Page 6 of Carter

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Her stomach bumped against his and he glanced down, taking in a small inhale of air through his lips before his gaze rose back up to hers with a question in them. She smiled and reached for his hand at his side, feeling the course skin of his palm and fingers, then brought them down to her protruding belly, releasing it as it settled gently there.

His fingers skated across her belly, feeling the shape and texture of it, and she let out a giggle because it tickled. She saw a fleeting smile cross his face before he refocused on what he was doing. She took his hand again and pressed it firmer against her belly.

“It’s okay, you won’t hurt me or the baby,” she said softly.

His expression was solemn as he continued to hold and feel her belly. “Does it feel different inside?”

She nodded. “I feel a tightening and pulling, like I’m a little bit stretched. So many changes to my body are occurring; it’s fascinating and strange at the same time. That my body has changed to sustain life and that my breasts are now sensitive and getting bigger to feed and nurture our child.”

He looked up at her with wonder and surprise, and then his silver eyes darkened. His gaze trapped hers as his hand moved and gently cupped her breast.

She let out a surprised gasp and then moaned as he rubbed his thumb on her now-hardening nipple. Then she stiffened and was about to pull back, remembering that she still didn’t know what the other woman meant to him.

Carter must have picked up on that and paused. His look open and honest. “The woman that you saw. I am working with her to design the next hotel and casino we have in the works. She is a diamond designer, and I thought that it would be interesting to have a hotel in the shape of one, or at least the concept of diamonds and jewelry as a theme throughout.”

He continued to watch her as she began to relax, and he started to rub his thumb on her sensitive nipple again. Zahara bit her lip and sucked in the bottom half to keep herself from moaning again. She was wet and throbbing and wanted him, but she needed to know what the woman meant to him.

Carter’s voice became husky. “She is looking to challenge herself, and my idea has piqued her interest. The day you showed up, she was taking me to her studio to show me the designs she had come up with. That was the only time she had available, as she was booked solid to create jewelry for important clientele and could not meet up with me again for a couple of weeks.”

“Oh. That’s…” Zahara stuttered to a stop because he pinched her nipple just right and got her up on her toes. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips hitting his jaw, nipping at him and running her tongue along his exposed skin before teasing him by peppering him with fleeting, light kisses. She heard him growl in protest and she smiled against his skin. She couldn’t resist teasing him in this moment. “Glad to hear that there is no competition in my way for your heart.”

Carter didn’t disappoint. Stubborn man.

He became rigid and was about to pull away when she moved both of her hands into his short, thick, coarse black hair, pulling his head down to her parting lips and slightly rubbing them over his. He had nice lips for a man, and she appreciated the firm fullness of them as they pressed against hers. She felt a rumble going from his chest to hers before the hand that was cupping her breast moved to her waist and pulled her closer to him. He tilted his head as he took over the kiss. Zahara sighed and opened herself to him, the fire that burned between them taking over, and they both got lost in the moment, getting reacquainting with each other.

His one hand moved up her back to the strap of her romper, and he released the buckle with a click, moving his other hand to repeat the action with the other strap.

They parted slightly, not breaking the kiss as he let the top half of the romper fall and pulled it down to underneath her breasts. Zahara reached out and touched his chest, her fingers grazing the muscle there, and she felt him flexing from the contact. She loved that his body was so responsive to her touch, as hers was to his. She began undoing the buttons on his shirt, revealing lightly tanned skin with a sprinkle of curly black hair along his breastbone. Her fingers lingered there, then skated across and down to his nipple, which she grazed with her nail. He groaned and retaliated by cupping her full breast through her top and bra, eliciting a moan from her.

His tongue, which had been swirling and playing with hers, began to retreat and re-enter, mimicking what he would soon be doing to her when he took her pussy, which was now soaking and throbbing.

They pulled apart in silent agreement. He first lifted her turtleneck off of her, with her bra following, and she in turn pulled off his shirt and then unbuckled his tan belt, pulling it from its belt loop.

She stood still as he lowered the romper and lifted her feet to remove it, tossing it onto one of the chairs in her room, leaving her exposed in just her wet underwear. Her nipples were standing hard and swollen, waiting for his attention.

His gaze trailed over her changed physique, and Zahara jutted her breasts out, proud of the new shape of her body, not hiding anything from his gaze. While he was taking her in, Zahara reached for her underwear and shimmied it down her legs, lifting her feet and kicking it away. While his eyes were now focused on her shaved pussy, Zahara tilted her head back as she moved her hand down the bare skin of her stomach, then in-between her slippery folds, rubbing the swollen flesh there, the hard nub sending pleasure through her body. She felt his breath on her lips and opened her eyes, which felt heavy from her arousal. She stared into his, the pupil almost covering all the silver, and his sculpted cheekbones flushed, his hard cock now poking her in her stomach.

She pulled her dripping fingers from her pussy and raised them to his mouth. He parted his lips and sucked her fingers, his eyes closing for a second as he enjoyed the taste of her before he opened them again.

“Like what you see?” she teased huskily.

He growled, “Witch,” before bending down and picking her up while his lips reclaimed hers. Zahara tasted her own essence on his tongue, her hand cupping his head and his jaw as she returned his kiss. She suckled his bottom lip into her mouth with her teeth and heard him give a pleased rumble before he took a step with her towards her bedroom, which she had shown him earlier.

With a couple of quick strides, Carter reached her bedroom and the king-size bed that took up most of her room.

He yanked the top sheet down and laid her on top of it, following her down when he had finished discarding his clothes. He balanced on his elbows, the top half of him raised above her.

His lower half was pushed up close to her, the head poised at her weeping entrance. She could feel small tremors signalling her need for him to take her hard and fast. She missed them being a part of each other. The first time she had enjoyed it up until it hurt, but in the cabin, he had taken his time making her body crazed again for him and he had shown her what it meant to be his woman, over and over, until they fell into an exhausted sleep. Zahara wanted that again.

He paused, his eyes searching hers, and she sucked in her breath, praying that he was not going to suddenly pull away from her and shut her out. She needed him just as much as he needed her, and goddamn it, she was horny as hell for him. She must have worn a fierce expression because for a second his lips kicked up into a smile before he moved his hand towards her face. He cupped her jaw and cheek, his thumb rubbing over her skin, and she shivered, moving her cheek deeper into his hand.

He frowned and then removed it.

He began to move off her, and Zahara opened her mouth to protest.

“Don’t worry, I have no intention of leaving you, or I, high and dry. Turn over. I want to fuck you lying on your side,” he said harshly, and Zahara knew he was regretting that lapse into tenderness when he touched her. She moved but turned her head on the pillow and narrowed her eyes at him.

He turned her head back around. “I don’t want to hurt the baby by putting all my weight on you and crushing you. I wasn’t there when you had your first check-up,” he groused, but his voice had softened.
