Page 27 of Carter

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“No, let me hear your moans and screams as I satisfy my pretty pussy. You like this stroke?” he asked as he pulled out again and moved towards her spot.

“Yeesss,” she stuttered out.

‘Then let me hear it,” he demanded, tweaking and pinching her nipple and clit as he picked up his pace, stroking long and fast. He felt so good inside of her, knowing what her body needed.

She began to moan, gripping his arms tightly now, her essence dripping out of her and down the crack of her ass. The sound of their flesh slapping together excited her. She could feel his cock flex and pulse and knew that he was coming too. She squeezed her walls tighter and heard him give a grunt. She smiled for a second before losing all train of thought as he swivelled his hips, pulled out, and pistoned back in.

It was too much, and her body exploded. Zahara could not hold back any longer and let her orgasm overtake her, shouting with pleasure. Then her mouth started opening and closing in a silent scream; it was so intense that she could not catch her breath.

She felt Carter stiffen, muttering a curse as her body spasmed hard and he jerked. She could feel heat pouring into her from his ejaculate hitting her walls and mingling with her juices.

He shuddered as he continued to empty himself, and her body milked every last drop from him, both sweating from their orgasms.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead and lip as her body began to cool. He was still inside of her, and she could feel him pumping softly until he slid out.

Carter bent down over her and lowered his head, sealing their lips together, stroking his tongue across hers. She sighed with renewed passion. He kissed her deeply and then gently broke off the kiss, raining gentle kisses on her forehead, cheeks, and lips.

After paying homage to her face and then gently pulling away, he made his way to the washroom. Zahara watched him until he disappeared, admiring his body. Carter kept fit by exercising and boxing. His body was cut to perfection, with not an ounce of extra flesh, and she loved watching him naked.

He came out of the washroom and caught her eyes on the door waiting for him, and he smirked. “Dirty girl,” he teased.

She gave a chuckle. “Well, if you are going to walk around naked, expect to be ogled. You have a magnificent body.”

Carter smiled and then stopped in front of her, cleaning her up. He then picked her up and moved her over to the dryer side of the bed before stripping the comforter off and settling her into the soft bed sheets. She loved how he always took care of her afterwards, like she was precious to him.

Zahara yawned, turning onto her side and tucking her hand under her cheek. She was very drowsy now and knew that, in a second, she would be out like a light. As she closed her heavy lids, she heard Carter return to the washroom, but she didn’t have any energy to turn and watch him again, even though she wanted to.

She felt a dip in the bed as he joined her. This surprised her, as it was only late afternoon, and she knew he had work to do. He pulled her close to him, and just as she was drifting into dreamland, she heard him murmuring beside her, almost missing what he was saying.

Her heart fluttered with happiness as she heard his final confession. “Thank you for being the mother of my children and giving me more than I ever expected. You trusting me with your virginity and your love means more to me than you know.”

Chapter 12

They should have eloped, or he should have stuck to his guns about having a simple ceremony at City Hall. It would have required minimal fuss, and then they could concentrate on the children, his new hotel, and her finishing the school year. Instead, Carter took in the three-ring circus surrounding him as people rushed around to get everything ready before they were to stand at the altar to say their vows.

Once he woke up from his nap next to Zahara, he had gone and finished getting everything moving for them to get married in front of the justice of the peace. He had Isa get the paperwork going for them while he looked at potential dates for the civil ceremony. It wouldn’t take long for them to get a license.

He had then called his parents and hers to let them know that the wedding was going to be a quick, simple ceremony at the courthouse. He had been suspicious when his mother met his news with silence followed by a quick “Congratulations!” Then she had asked for Zahara’s mother and half-sister’s number so that she could speak to them about the marriage ceremony.


“Well, it would be bad manners of me not to reach out to the mother of my soon-to-be daughter-in-law and her siblings, now, wouldn’t it? It would be so awkward to meet them at the courthouse when we haven’t even said hello. Don’t you think?”

His mother had begun to sniff, and he had groaned silently because he knew he was about to be made to feel guilty. “I just want to say hello, son. At least give me that, especially since I won’t get to see my first-born son get married in a church, or go dress shopping for a wedding gown with my daughter-in-law and her mother, or throw you a wedding shower, or hear you say vows of love in front of a—”

He had crumbled then, knowing she had laid it on thick for him. “Alright Mom, here are their numbers,” Carter had said with a sigh, sending her the numbers for Selena, Zahara’s half-sister, and her mother Lily and father Troy. He had hoped that he wouldn’t get blindsided by his mom teaming up with Zahara’s.

“You got blindsided, dear brother.” Carter came out of his reverie when he felt the heavy hand of his brother Leaf clap him on the back. Leaf moved to stand beside him at the altar in a charcoal suit, white shirt, and a yellow carnation in his lapel. Carter’s groomsmen were not wearing ties like he was—charcoal grey to match his suit—and he had the same yellow carnation pinned to his jacket. Yellow was Zahara’s favourite color for flowers. She loved carnations, as well as lilies, which was why there were lilies attached to the sides of their guests’ chairs. Carter had fought not to have a runner for the aisle, as he didn’t want her to accidentally trip on it, even though she was wearing flats with her dress.

He just gave his brother a cold look as the idiot stood there with a satisfied grin on his face. His brothers loved to rejoice in anything or anyone that put a spoke in Carter’s plans. They found him too controlling in everything, including his emotions, but in this cutthroat line of business they were in, you could not let emotions rule you, and as the eldest son, everything fell on Carter’s shoulders. There were fleeting moments when he felt like he was suffocating, but then the exhilaration of running the company, building something new, and growing the family empire kept him wanting to not give up all that power. Now that his priorities were about to change with a wife and children, he was going to have to let go of the reins somewhat to take care of his family.

“Glad it is you and not me. Mother wasn’t this bad with Deana and my wedding,” Leaf gloated.

“That’s because you got married the first and second time by Elvis. There was nothing she could do with that, plus she thought it was SOOO romantic. Two lovebirds that couldn’t wait to be married even when they had just met.”

“Yes, and look how happy we are. No fuss, and it was just between the two of us the first time. This is almost a full-blown wedding, and I know this was not what you had in mind when Mom suggested inviting a few guests.” He put his arm around Carter as a photographer started taking pictures of the two men. They both smiled for the camera and then stopped when he moved away.

“You try saying no to Mom when she wants something and is determined to get it.”
