Page 26 of Carter

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He had stood over her that night as he did now, but this time, his expression showed his desire and need of her as opposed to the turmoil he had been feeling as he tried to fight the passion between them. Like the last time, she parted her legs, enticing him to look at her wet pussy, and he groaned like he had then.

He dropped to his knees in front of her. Zahara began watching him, her eyes heavy with arousal. She was getting double the stimulation as she remembered that day with him and what was happening now in real time.

Her breathing grew shallow. She parted her suddenly dry lips and licked them, then moaned when Carter leaned forward and parted her sensitive, swollen labia to get a better look.

“Such a pretty pink pussy. All of this for me.” She nodded, as she had done that day in the cabin.

He smirked. “So juicy and wet and ready to be fucked by my tongue and mouth.”

She could feel his breath at her entrance. She shivered and nearly shot off the bed when she felt his tongue lick her slit and his lips suckling the moisture waiting there for his mouth. His tongue on her flesh, the soft firmness of it, rubbing along her sensitive skin and walls, had her body trembling slightly. What he did to her always felt so good. He was a very attentive lover, taking pleasure in pleasing her.

As like in the cabin, his cock was rock hard, and she could see precum at the tip. She wanted to touch it, feeling its strength in her hand and then in her mouth.

“Later,” he promised, reading the expression she must have had on her face as he paused for a second in savouring her.

Giving in to the intense chemistry between them, he pulled her slightly up, being careful with her belly and their children. His nose was pressed against her skin, and he breathed in deeply.

“Your scent is enticing and inviting me to savour each taste of you.” He looked up suddenly, his expression serious.

“Do you have any idea how much I enjoy tasting and fucking you? Hearing every cry of ecstasy pour from your lips is like a symphony to my ears. The feel of your breasts in my hands and your nipples on my tongue, the scent of your skin, keep me wanting to touch and taste, like a man starved, wanting more.”

Carter emphasized his words by swiping his tongue across her slit, passing back and forth. With each pass, he delved a little deeper inside her, driving her crazy until his tongue entered her and she squirmed, needing more, needing all of him. He played with her like that, teasing her until she begged him for more. Then he added one finger, then two, until she couldn’t take it anymore and rained down on his tongue, fingers, and mouth with her explosive orgasm.

Carter moved himself into position, his head now at her dripping entrance. He had taken her in the same way that time at the cabin. She had been excited then, as she was now. The only difference was that she now knew what it was like to be filled to the brim with his hard cock inside her.

His cheeks held a slight rosy hue as it always did when he was aroused by her. His cock jumped and grazed her clit, making her moan.

“But what drives me wild is being inside you, feeling your flesh surround me and squeeze me tight. Taking from me as I give myself to you. Caressing my hard flesh with the softness of yours, your rain coating me, making me hard, so hard that I barely have any control, every single time my flesh meets yours.”

He began to slowly enter her inch by inch, mimicking his tongue’s actions. Everything was just like the last time.

His face looked strained as he kept his pace slow, making sure she was good with everything before he kept going.

She moved her hands on top of his, encouraging him to keep going.

His eyes were so dark now that the irises were starting to eclipse the silver. He gritted his teeth as he pushed deeper into her swollen walls. “Ummm, so fucking good,” he muttered and then continued, “Feeling your hands on my body, your touch sends shock waves of pleasure through my skin. I have never felt this way with anyone, not even—” He cut off what he was going to say, looking bemused.

She didn’t want him to stop and remained silent. Zahara bit her lip because, right here, right now, he was being vulnerable with her, and she could tell it was hard for him.

“You drive me to distraction. All I can think of is your scent, your smile, the way you tilt your head to the side and nibble those gorgeous plump lips of yours when you are working on an assignment. The way your eyes twinkle when you are about to bedevil me with something. The firmness of your jaw when you stand firm and do not budge. To my utter annoyance.” He gave her a rueful smile.

She gasped because with a sudden thrust, he was buried deep inside of her.

“Wanting you, needing you.” His voice was deep and low with his confession.

In that moment, even with her body on fire with desire for him, she could cry because she knew that this confession was hard for him, and she knew this was his way of letting her know that he had feelings for her too, and not just because she was about to be the mother of his children. This soothed her aching heart a bit.

He pulled her up slightly, their bodies still joined, and leaned his upper body over her. Their lips met in a passionate kiss that consumed them both, until, breathing hard, they parted. She lay back down, his hands gripping her hips again as he slowly pulled out and pushed back in. Carter used his hand to move Zahara knees-up, her feet planted on the bed as he continued to plunge into her at an unhurried pace, taking his time and filling her over and over with his hard length.

Zahara could feel her orgasm building and knew that it was going to be an intense one. He was driving her crazy with his measured strokes.

He leaned over again and cupped her breast with his hand, palming it and then kneading before he began to play with her nipple. His other hand went to her clit, where he began to stimulate it in time with his nipple play.

Zahara was trying hard not to buck up into him; she wanted him to quicken his thrust, and she began to squeeze him tight with her inner walls.

“Tsk, tsk, behave, just like the last time it won−damn you.” He groaned as she tilted up slightly and wrapped her legs around his hips, using her feet to push him deeper inside of her. This time he bucked as he closed his eyes.

He opened them, and they watched each other as he pulled all the way out and thrust back in, angling now to hit her favourite spot. She bit her bottom lip.
