Page 28 of Carter

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“Hmm, so that’s where you get it from.”

“Shut up,” Carter growled. “Plus, Lily and Mom showed up at the new hotel site when I went there to look at the grounds, and they ganged up on me.” He flushed because he had felt like a little kid being scolded for doing something wrong.

“Well, look on the bright side. You have to admit that Mother and Lily pulled off an amazing feat in under a month to get this place rented, outfitted, and everything in order for your big day today.”

They looked around at the people setting up the finishing touches around the room as the wedding guests mingled outside having drinks before the ceremony began.

Carter checked his watch; it was almost time for the music to start playing and for everyone to gather in the room and take their seats. His mother had at least not gone overboard and had kept the decorations simple and stylish, keeping Zahara’s wants and wishes in mind.

He also wanted to get this over and done with because he hoped things would get better between him and Zahara after this thing. He didn't like that she only spoke to him when she needed to or when he was talking to her. The only real time they spent together was going to doctor's appointments to keep monitoring her health and their children's health. She allowed him to hold her at night and place a protective hand on her belly. She didn't even smile anymore when he talked to their children. She would just stare off into space, keeping her emotions hidden from him. He was getting frustrated with the distance between them.

He hadn’t realized how much he needed her teasing, the insistent chatter, her boisterous laugh, her touches every time he was near because she couldn't help wanting to feel connected to him. He even missed her stubborn, argumentative nature; the way she returned into his body and threw her arm around his chest while they slept. He missed being able to hold her and kiss her, but he knew that this was best for all of them right now and what he needed to do to protect his family. Everything would be okay after they got married.

Carter did not want to lose Zahara like he lost Delilah. He felt that if he had married Delilah, she would not be dead and would still be around today. By getting married in a hurry and not waiting, he felt that he was somehow protecting Zahara and his growing family. Because if anything should happen to Zahara, his world would be destroyed.

He watched as the event staff finished setting up, and the wedding planner then approached him and Leaf standing by the altar.

“It’s time, Mr. Brooks. Everything is all set up, and we are ready to have the guests come in.”

He nodded. “Please get someone to find my father and brothers at the bar and let them know it's time to usher in the guests and have them seated before joining me and Leaf here.”

“How is the bridal party doing, are they ready?”

The wedding planner spoke into her mic, and he heard someone on the other end responding. “Yes, her bridesmaids Coco, the friend from high school, and her sisters Ari and Selena are all done. Your mom and her mom Lily are just helping the bride with the finishing touches, but we are good to proceed.”

Two of the wedding planner’s helpers opened the door to one of the ballrooms at the hotel where the ceremony was to be held, and Carter spotted his brothers Michael and Ben helping to usher the guests in. Their friend Ambra and her sister were at their sides. Ambra was wearing a beautiful light-purple chiffon dress that looked a little big on her. It was a lot of material, but the colour suited her dark skin. Her sister was wearing a red mermaid dress that showed of her dainty figure, the colour also complementing her colouring. Carter’s father walked down the aisle toward him and then came over and gave him a hug.

“You look handsome son, and you too Leaf,” Carter Sr. said as he turned and shook Leaf’s hand before turning and taking his seat.

He then spotted Zahara’s father walk in; a tall, dark-skinned man with salt-and-pepper hair. He had his hand on Zahara’s younger brother’s back, guiding him to the front row of seats where the family and close friends of the bride and groom were to be seated. Troy gave him a nod, and then a fierce expression flashed across his face. His look said, Remember what I said to you.

The night before their wedding, all the men had gone out for a drink at a local bar. Zahara’s father had approached Carter when he was at the bar buying drinks.

“Carter, I need you to understand something. I practice at the shooting range every day, and my favourite gun of choice is all types of handguns. Do you catch my drift? I don’t want to see my baby cry at your hands, or it will be me and you, and I don’t care if you are married. If she needs to come home because she is being mistreated, my baby and my grandchildren will always have a home with me.”

Carter had stiffened in outrage that Zahara’s dad would think he wouldn’t do right by his daughter, but then he also got it, because when his girls were born, he would feel the same way.

“I promise I will always do right by your daughter and my children.”

Troy had eyed him for a second and had then nodded before taking his beer and the other drinks the bartender had just laid out in front of Carter, going back to the others at the table.

Zahara’s brother-in-law Calum entered next. He was a very imposing figure. The man was tall and broad, with black hair, violet eyes, and a scar that ran down the side of his face. His eyes were his best feature in his homely face. He was in a tuxedo but wore his Stetson on his head proudly. Next to him was Vera, Monica, and Monica’s husband Malcolm—all related to Zahara. Zahara’s sisters were part of her bridal party, and he would see them when they walked down the aisle before Zahara.

When they had all sat down, Carter could clearly see the tension between Zahara’s father Troy and Calum, Vera, and Monica. He also saw Calum scowling at Vera and wondered what was going on there. The wedding planner went to grab Troy to go back outside for him to walk Zahara down the aisle.

He must have voiced his thoughts out loud, because his brother Leaf responded. “Long story. After you left, things went sideways between Vera and Calum’s ranch manager Grayson. The family is not happy with her at the moment.”

Carter shrugged. Not his problem right now. He focused on the rest of the guests and saw that Michael’s friend had made a grand entrance, coming to the wedding solo. He scowled. He didn’t like the games she was playing with Michael’s head and hoped that he would let his interest in the blond heiress go. But he saw Michael’s face light up when he spotted Summer, and he watched as his brother hurried over to greet her, kissing both cheeks before bringing her over to the family’s side of the room. Carter frowned and was about to go over when his brother next to him muttered, “Let it go. Now is not the time to cause a scene, and Michael will do that. Hopefully, this will pass, and he will realize she is not interested in him.” Leaf echoed Carter’s earlier thoughts.

“I know I haven’t been around the family a lot, but what is going on with Ben and his fixation—”

Carter turned to see why Leaf had stopped talking, and when he saw his expression, he knew why. Carter turned and saw Deana making her way inside. She was a tall, slim woman with light-brown skin, curly dark hair, and violet-blue eyes like her half-brother Calum. She was a striking woman, and she and Leaf made a handsome pair. Leaf was enthralled with his wife, and the feeling was mutual. The minute they were in each other’s vicinity, they only had eyes for each other. Leaf’s gaze was eating his wife up, and her walk became sultry as she continued down the aisle. Her hips shifted the material of the dark-green pleated halter-neck dress, revealing her skin through the small oval opening in the front and a side slit that parted when she moved to show her shapely legs.

Carter felt his brother move, and he elbowed him in the side. “Later. You have a room booked at the hotel; you two can disappear after the toasts.”

His brother wore a sulking expression on his face because he wanted to be with his wife instead of up here with Carter. The man was so in love with his wife.

Carter watched her grin as he chastised his brother. Then, as she reached the aisle where her brother and family were sitting, she almost tripped on her dress before righting herself and taking her seat with a sheepish expression. Deana needed a safety net around her. She was very clumsy, which was surprising because the woman was also a walking weapon and used to work for a secret organization. That’s what had started all this, now leading to Carter marrying Zahara after meeting her at the ranch.
