Page 23 of Carter

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“Such a pretty pussy too. Look at this moisture needing my mouth and cock, hmm,” he said before he licked her slit, taking some of the moisture and her swollen outer lips into his mouth. He suckled for a second, then he leaned back and rose up, standing over her. Pulling the comforter and the top sheet down before moving her legs off the floor and onto the bed, he stood there taking her in as she arched up, trying to entice him down to her.

She began to beg him to take care of her and could have screamed the house down. But instead of satiating both their needs, he said coldly, the huskiness gone from his voice, “As your husband, it’s my duty to make sure you are well taken care of.” He looked at the moisture glistening on her outer lips. “I will do all that as soon as you have my ring and band on your finger.” He leaned down toward her parted lips and then kissed her cheek before throwing the comforter over her exposed naked body. She quickly removed her hands from her breasts as he began tucking her in, the blanket and comforter surrounding her instead of his body.

She narrowed her eyes at him, wishing that it would shoot fire at him and burn him to a crisp.

He chuckled as he gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, her string of curses escorting him out the door.

Chapter 10

Carter glared with aggravation and a bit of jealously as he watched Zahara blossom in front of Dr. Peterson. The two of them were acting like he was not in the room.

She was talking happily and smiling at the doctor. Carter found he did not like it and was about to get up off his chair when Dr. Peterson met his stare. The doctor’s eyebrows rose before a look of mirth hit his brown eyes.

They heard a knock on the door, and the nurse poked her head in.

“Doctor, here is the results of the ultrasound for Zahara Jones.”

“Brooks,” Carter commented, moving closer to Zahara and taking her hand in his, eyeing the doctor with a look that said back off, she is mine. He heard the doctor chuckle as he waved the nurse in to give him the iPad with the findings. He felt a sudden pressure tightening around his hand and almost cracked a smile because she was trying to hurt his hand, but she was failing miserably.

The nurse was a pretty blond and smiled at everyone in the room, but Carter noted that her gaze lingered on him a bit longer than necessary. He felt the pressure on his hand again and glanced over at Zahara to see her narrowing her eyes at the nurse. Good, now she knows how I felt watching her flirt with the doctor.

“Thank you, Hillary,” Dr. Peterson said as his eyes ran over the words on the iPad. Then he frowned and his expression became suspiciously blank. “Hillary, can you bring the ultrasound machine in here? I have something to show Zahara and Carter.”

Carter felt his body suddenly grow still, and fear racked his body. “Carter, you are squeezing my hand too tight,” Zahara whispered to him, and he felt her other hand cover his and begin to gently caress him, trying to get him to relax. He loosened his grip, but the feeling of foreboding didn’t leave him. He already loved his child, and he couldn’t lose it. He had read about pregnancies continuing because of the HCG but the heartbeat had stopped. He’d not imagined it could happen to him, but now he could possibly be faced with it. He turned his gaze to Zahara to see how she was handling this, and she didn’t seem very concerned at all.

“It’s okay Carter, the baby is fine. I just know it. Just like I knew we were meant to be together. I can feel it,” she reassured him.

He gave her a tight smile and then glanced back up when the nurse returned.

The doctor moved to the bed that Zahara had been sitting on earlier when the doctor had run some tests. She was in the prone position already. He grabbed some gel from a cupboard in the office and got her to pull up her t-shirt and lower her leggings to her hip bones. He then warned her that the gel would be cold and squeezed it onto her belly. Zahara gave a slight gasp, and Carter assumed the gel was very cold on her skin.

The doctor then pulled the ultrasound closer to him and the bed and turned his back on Carter as he sat down on a stool.

He pulled the sensor out of its resting place and then pushed the top onto Zahara’s belly, searching. Carter was starting to feel more nervous when he didn’t hear his child’s heartbeat. An emotion had poured through him the first time he heard it. Joy and awe that he had helped to create this little being that Zahara was carrying. Now he began to feel fear.

“Hmmm,” the doctor said.

“What?” Carter barked, frustrated.

Then he heard it; the strong swishing sound. He could have cried. Hearing it was making him emotional.

“There it is,” the doctor said, and then he moved the top of the ultrasound again, as if searching. A sudden thought dawned on Carter. He’s searching for another heartbeat…

And then he heard the second heartbeat as he heard the doctor exclaim, “There you are! You’re hiding behind your sibling.”

Zahara clapped her hand over her mouth and began to cry from the surprise. Damn, Carter was fighting tears himself. He was having twins! The shock of it resonated through him. He smiled at the thought of his brothers not being able to claim they were the only twins in the family and that they were gifts bestowed on the family.

He felt Zahara reach out her hand to him, not realizing that he still had her other hand.

“Twins! We are having twins Carter,” she said, listening to the heartbeats as Dr. Peterson passed the device from one to the other and then finally finished, cleaning the scanner and then the gel off her body.

“How did that get missed?” Carter asked, frowning.

“With the first ultrasound, it can get missed if the babies are sharing one placenta, which is what happened in this case.”

“What does that mean for the babies?”

“These ones are mo/mo twins. They share the amniotic sac.”
