Page 24 of Carter

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Carter nodded but did not think that was good.

“Let’s discuss what can happen because this now places Zahara into a high-risk pregnancy, and she and the babies will need to be monitored until she gives birth. I will also send Zahara for some more blood work, now that I know she is carrying mo/mo twins.”

Carter needed to sit down after Dr. Peterson gave them a run-down of possible complications. Carter’s head was throbbing, and his heart was heavy.

Dr. Peterson pushed a seat towards Carter. “I know it is overwhelming, and after you process this, I will give you my private number if you have any questions. Zahara and your children are in safe hands with me. We will work together to have a successful pregnancy, just make sure to keep Zahara’s stress levels down.”

“What is the success rate for them being healthy and reaching full-term?” he asked with a constriction in his throat.

“I am not going to lie. There is always a chance of birth defects and them dying in the womb, as well as a risk of preeclampsia to the mother. But so far, all tests show they are doing fine. I myself am an identical twin, specifically a mo/mo twin, and we are both here to tell the tale. Even though I should have strangled his ass in the womb.” He muttered the last part under his breath, but Carter heard him and wondered what that was all about.

The doctor gave them a smile before rising off his seat and putting his iPad on the table. He dismissed the nurse who had been in the room with them at the ready in case she was needed.

“Now after all this shocking news, how about hearing something good? Do you want to know the sexes?” Dr. Peterson turned to face them.

Zahara and Carter nodded.

“Yes, doctor, please,” Zahara said, sounding solemn.

“The ultrasound images are of twin girls. Congratulations!” he said, passing them the images of their children.

Zahara smiled, and more tears leaked from her eyes. Her hands shook as she looked down at the pictures. Carter was trying to take in every detail that he could make out, and in one of the images he saw one of the twins with their foot slightly elevated, while the other had her hands curled up toward her head. They looked so precious to him. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure his daughters were safe and came out healthy and whole, and that meant making sure their mother was well taken care of.

He was done placating Zahara. It was time she became his wife.

He heard buzzing and saw the doctor pat his pockets before finding his cell phone and taking it out. He looked down at the phone.

“Speak of the devil,” he muttered before glancing up.

“Zahara, you can get off the bed, and I will leave instructions for the nurse to schedule follow-up appointments and the tests I need you to get. Sorry about this, but I have to take this call.” He moved towards the door and opened it to exit, then closed it partially behind him. Carter could still see the doctor’s white coat through the crack left in the door.

He turned to help Zahara up. She was avoiding his eyes as she sat up and straightened her clothing, the air between them heavy.

She began to chatter nervously. “Well, that was unexpected and...”

Zahara paused as they both heard Dr. Peterson whispering furiously, “You have done what? Seriously Rick, what the hell did you do to have a woman named Dawn hunting you? Every time you call it is something. You are a grown-ass man, why can’t you just—” They heard him pause, and Carter didn’t have to look at him to know he was listening to his brother.

“Fine, send me the details of when you will be coming to New York and which hotel you will be staying in. Until then, I don’t want to hear shit from you. Get this straightened out and resolved. Don’t bring that mess here to my doorstep. I don’t care what you have to do.”

His voice faded as he moved away from the door, and soon they couldn’t hear him anymore.

Carter felt Zahara shift next to him as she scooted towards the stepping stool at the end of the bed. He placed his hand in front of her, and she grabbed it, putting pressure on his palm as she used it to help herself get down.

They now stood facing each other and he leaned forward, tilting his head down.

“No more games Zahara. We get the licence and get married as soon as possible.”


“If you don’t marry me now Zahara, I promise you that I will take my children away from you, and you know I have the money to do it. I am not playing anymore, and be happy that I am willing to get married to you instead of just taking full custody.”

She stared at him in shock for a second. “You cannot take my children away from me, no court will agree to that,” she hissed, her expression changing from surprise to horror, and finally anger.

He stepped into her space. “Wanna bet? Your little experiment almost set the house on fire because you fell asleep while the burner was lit.”

“That was an accident, and you know it. I was tired and—”

“My lawyers will spin it whichever way we need to.” He shrugged.
