Page 22 of Carter

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Carter pulled out a seat, and when the chef finally looked at them with ruddy cheeks, he smiled and then laid the big platter on the table.

Zahara’s eyes bugged out. The platter was huge, as if the chef had made it for a dinner party they were hosting.

He must have seen her expression. “Mrs...” she glared at him, “Zahara, I don’t know your food choices yet, so I put everything on the plate so that you have a selection.”

She took a plate that he had also put on the table and began to pick her choices. “Thank you,” she said, “this all looks good and wonderful.” She patted her belly; we will sure enjoy this feast.”

She and Carter ate and spoke about the holidays, putting aside the tension that had been in the room earlier as they enjoyed Terry’s platter and then the soup he brought over after. All of it was delicious, and when Zahara was finally full, she sat back and lifted the elastic on the waist band of her jeans. Rubbing her belly, she let out a tired yawn and blinked sleepily, her eyes feeling heavy.

Being pregnant, she found that she would suddenly get tired, her energy depleted, and would need a nap during the day.

She sleepily turned her gaze to Carter to see him watching her as he wiped his lips with his napkin and pushed his chair back.

“I will take you to our room so you can get some rest,” he said as he approached her. She pushed her chair back and was about to stand when he lifted her out of the chair and strode towards the kitchen door.

She began to protest, which he ignored as they heard Terry gathering up the plates from the table. She quieted down because it felt nice to be carried this way, and she didn’t keep the protesting up for long. Zahara wrapped her arms around Carter’s neck and leaned her head on his shoulder, breathing in his woodsy scent, her lids closing.

She spoke sleepily. “Thank you Terry, everything was delicious. Sorry for being so tired, I look forward to getting to know you.”

“It’s okay ma’am, we can connect later on. I am pleased you enjoyed the spread, and I look forward to creating dishes that both you and Mr. Brooks will try. Thank you, Mr. Brooks, for this opportunity. Being your personal chef means a lot to me and my family.”

She raised her head and stared at Carter questioningly.

“First job, and he came recommended from a friend.” He shrugged with her in his arms before responding to Terry.

“You’re welcome. From what you have done so far, I am sure this will be good for all of us. Just make sure that Zahara comes first, and we will always be good,” Carter said before his stride took him out of the kitchen and down the hall. He made short work up the stairs leading to the upper floor and the primary bedroom, where he set her down on top of a massive king-size bed.

She sat up, her gaze taking everything in. She would have to change the colours in the room because they were dull and monochromatic, and she liked a splash of colour. She could picture a blue, black, and gold theme in the room to match the dark wood furniture. She had yet to see the other rooms in person, but she planned on doing some tweaks here and there, especially the baby’s room. She needed to get going on it because before she knew it, she would be bringing home her daughter or son. She caught her breath. She had to pinch herself sometimes because she couldn’t believe she was going to be a mother soon and felt blessed to have been able to conceive.

She was due for her detailed, anatomical ultrasound soon, and then a follow-up visitation with her OB/GYN, Erick Scott Peterson III. He was an amazing doctor, who looked to be around forty years old, with warm brown-gold eyes and blond hair that was cropped short but was a bit long in the front and swept over his forehead. He was in great physical shape and was slightly taller than her. She placed him at five foot eleven, shorter than Carter. He was also drop-dead gorgeous and had all the mothers in the waiting room and his nurses eyeing him with adoration. She loved going to see him because he always answered all her questions and took any concerns she had seriously. Plus he wasn’t hard on the eyes. He was one of the top OB/GYNS in New York, and Zahara was lucky to have been able to get him as her doctor.

She was so absorbed in her perusal of the room and her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed Carter lingering in front of the bed. He began to help her out of her shoes and socks as he regarded her belly. She rubbed it because just in the last week alone, she had gotten bigger. She wondered what Carter was thinking when he saw her in this condition.

As if reading her thoughts, he said, “You are so beautiful with my child in your belly.” He got up and kissed her belly and then her lips before heading towards one of the dressers and opening it up to get her night wear.

“Do you want to put on some sleep wear or rest in your clothes but loosen up the top and pants?”

“Neither.” She smirked at his confused frown. When she began to unbutton her loose blouse, he froze, his eyes tracking her fingers as it released one button after the other.

He suddenly stood over her, his eyes fixated, his jaw clenching and unclenching as she slipped the last button out and then shrugged out of the blouse, exposing her breasts, almost spilling out of the bra she was wearing.

“Take it off and caress my beautiful tits for me.” His voice sounded hoarse.

And just like that, Zahara was instantly wet. Her ploy to drive him crazy and make him bend to her will was working earlier than she had expected. She thrust out her breasts for his viewing pleasure and slowly reached for the middle clasp. Her globes sprang free from their constriction, and she slipped her hands over the engorged flesh, squeezing and then running her palms over the plump nipples, making them hard. She ran her fingers over them, making them peek in and out between her fingers. Carter’s breathing had become heavy, and as if he couldn’t help himself, he reached out with his finger and gently ran it over her hand and across her nipple before pulling back.

“More. Pinch and lick them, like I would.”

She let out a groan of pleasure as she began to pinch and rub them, imagining his dark head bent over attending to her. She reached out with her tongue while he gently helped to lift her heavy globe so that she could touch her nipple with the edge of her tongue. Feeling the soft and hard points on her tongue, her pussy began to throb with need and heat.

“Are you wet for me yet, baby?”

She nodded.

“Let me see my wet pussy. No, don’t move, keep playing with your breasts, I will take care of your pants and underwear.”

He bent down again, his hands on her hips and his eyes flicking back up to watch her. He slipped her pants and underwear off her legs at the same time before flinging them into a corner of the room.

Carter spread her legs and gazed at the swollen flesh that was waiting for him to taste or fuck, whatever he chose, as long as he relieved the heat building inside of her. She felt so warm all over, and tremors down below had her shivering. She was moaning out loud as she continued to pleasure herself under his watchful gaze. Him just watching her was making her close to coming.
