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I could tell him that I don’t want to be with him and that I want to return to Earth, and I have no doubt that he would do everything in his power to make that happen.

I almost laugh because I’m not sure how he would manage to get me back to Earth, but I’ve never known a more determined person. There is not a doubt in my mind that he would figure out a way to make it happen. That’s just the kind of guy he is.

If I reject him, now, then I would also never have to worry about him falling out of love with me. I’d never have to wonder if he will turn out to be just like Chad and spurn me. If he will hurt me.

As I gaze into his silver eyes that always seem to look at me like I’m the best thing he’s ever seen, it finally hits me.

Draggar is nothing like Chad, and he never will be.

He is as different from my ex as anyone can possibly be and he’s shown me that in countless ways. When he made note of how much I enjoyed the purple berries and he made sure to pick some every chance he could or the hours he spent making me clothes because he saw how threadbare mine were. The care and gentleness he’s shown tending to my feet and the way he carried me in his arms, even though I’m not exactly lightweight. The way, even when he’s sound asleep, he pulls me close as if he can’t bear the thought of not having me nearby.

Everything Draggar has done since I met him has been a demonstration of his feelings for me. Of how much he loves me.

Even in the beginning of our relationship, I don’t think Chad ever put me first in anything. I think back to our first date. He picked the restaurant and the movie we saw that night, and every restaurant and movie after that. That was a pattern that continued throughout our relationship. For our first Christmas, he bought me a cheap bath set, even though I bought him the expensive watch he specifically asked me to get.

But that’s not the type of person Draggar is. He is generous, gentle, protective, and loving all while being a confident, fearsome warrior who makes me feel cherished and safe. He is everything I have ever wanted in a man. . . Well, almost everything.

I certainly never saw myself falling in love with an alien warrior with color-changing skin, but that’s exactly what’s happened. I can’t imagine my life without him in it, and I realize that I don’t want to. I want to be by Draggar’s side in everything. I want to be his mate.

“I don’t want to go back to Earth.” My mouth suddenly feels dry. “I want to stay right here with you on Laedirissae.” My voice is soft as if I speak any louder the words won’t mean as much and what feels like a sacred moment between us will be broken.

I don’t know how I ever thought I could leave him. No wonder every time I considered it, my brain had a hard time accepting it. Draggar is the most important person in the world to me – no, in the universe.

Back on Earth, I thought I knew what love was, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. In past relationships, I considered myself lucky if my boyfriends didn’t ask to borrow money. And when Chad and I started dating, I thought I had hit the jackpot. Yeah, he wanted everything to be his way, but he was funny, had a great job, and he seemed to accept my health issues.

For a time, I thought it had to be love. He ticked off all the boxes that I thought made a good partner in life, that I always been told I should want, and so, I had to love him. Because if I didn’t love him, then something was wrong with me.

Then, on the day I walked out of his house after catching him red-handed, it hit me. I wasn’t upset so much about losing him as I was about the hurtful comments he made and the betrayal I felt. And now, I know what we had together was never love. Not even close to it.

This is love.

This all-consuming feeling and desire to never leave Draggar’s side. My constant worry about him, and the fact that I would do anything to protect him – even challenge a dinosaur. The happiness that fills my chest and the pounding of my heart when I’m near him, and the way that my insides feel like they’re melting when he smiles crookedly at me. And I can’t hold it in any longer.

“I love you. I want to stay here and be your mate and make a family with your nephew. Forever, if you’ll have me.” The words pour out of me in a nervous rush.

Draggar’s answering smile is so sudden and bright it nearly blinds me with its radiance, but it’s what he says next that makes it feel like my heart expands in my chest until it is going to burst.

“I love you, too, amoris, with all of my hearts. And I don’t want you to be anywhere else but by my side.”

I don’t know who makes the first move, but we come together in a scorching kiss that quickly escalates until I find myself pressed up against a tree with my legs wrapped around his hips.

We’re both so aroused and ready that it doesn’t take long for us to join and rush headlong into an orgasm that leaves me seeing stars.

Afterwards, Draggar gently helps me rearrange my clothes and kisses me one last time before we head back to the campsite.

My face feels like it’s on fire and I’m glad the sun has finally set and the darkness offers a little privacy. Neither Draggar or I were quiet earlier and I’m almost positive by the grin on Vrenner’s face and the chuckles from the other men that they overheard us. Especially, considering the enhanced hearing Laediriians seem to have.

I settle down on the pallet that Draggar laid out for me earlier as he sits down beside me while one of the other men passes around hunks of roasted meat to everyone. The meat is slightly charred on the outside, but it’s juicy and delicious and coated with a seasoning blend that adds a little spiciness. Before I realize it, I’ve eaten two big hunks along with a palm full of the berries I love so much and a couple pieces of warm flatbread that Draggar packed just for me.

The atmosphere around the fire is jovial and the men laugh and tease each other. Even the younger one who grumbled about our slower pace has a carefree smile stretched across his face.

If it wasn’t for the color-changing teal skin, they could almost pass for any group of guys on Earth shooting the breeze around a campfire. During the time I’ve spent with Draggar and his tribesmen, I’ve learned that although we may look vastly different and come from different worlds, we’re really not all that different when it comes to the basics.

We goof off. We laugh and grumble. We’re impatient or shy. We even love the same.

Well, almost the same, I amend as I think back to all of the extra’s Draggar’s cock has that are definitely like nothing I have seen or experienced before.

“Haley, will you tell us of planet Earth?” Vrenner asks, his voice breaking me from my thoughts.

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