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And just like that, I’m the center of attention with six sets of eyes locked on me. I shift on the pallet I’m sitting on and try to think of how to explain Earth to them. “Earth is a lot different than this planet, and in some ways, it’s similar. We don’t have a lot of really dangerous creatures like Laedirissae does.”

“No tiniios roaming around, then,” The one that I think is named Sorrin jokes and the others chuckle.

“No, we don’t have anything that looks like a tiniio. Not anymore. We used to have dinosaurs millions of years ago that resembled them, but they became extinct a long time before humans appeared.” I smile and relax a little as I speak.

They’re all watching me with rapt faces, and I realize they’re genuinely interested in hearing about Earth. Which makes sense, humans and Earth are the aliens to them.

“Honestly, the most dangerous animal on Earth is probably other humans. We’re not always kind to each other and we don’t have tribes like you do. Or at least they’re not common in the place I’m from on Earth. I admire that about your planet. The way you help each other.”

It’s true. During our journey through the jungle today, I watched as they banded together to protect each other and me, to keep a constant surveillance for any threats. Then, when we stopped for the night, they immediately assumed their duties and worked as a team to set up camp. I think back to the village and everything I saw of it and what Draggar has told me.

Everyone seemed content and they worked together for the common good of the tribe. There was a strong sense of community among them, like they were all one big family. I don’t have any family left on Earth, and I didn’t realize until after I was abducted how much I missed that sense of belonging to something bigger than me and always having someone in my corner.

The men ask a few more questions until it grows dark and the twin moons that they call the Sisters have risen high in the sky. By then, I’m beginning to get tired, and I cover my mouth as a loud yawn slips out.

Draggar looks over at me. “Enough. My mate needs her rest.”

They quickly decide who will take the first watch and then the others begin to settle down for the night, and before I know it, I’m curled up on the pallet with Draggar’s large frame at my back.

He’s like a furnace and the warmth from him seeps into me lulling me into drowsiness. His thick, muscular arm settles on top of my waist and I sigh as he pulls me closer into his embrace. We may be sleeping on the ground with jungle all around us, but right here and right now, I have never felt more at home.

That’s my last thought before I drift away to sleep, relaxed with the knowledge that no matter what happens, my mate is by my side.


It takes us another full day of travel before we near the site where the ship crashed.

I’m grateful Draggar kept a slow pace for me as the journey was strenuous at times, especially when we eventually had to cross the river. Just like his father had warned, the shallow, slow-moving river that the Laediriians normally walk across with no problem had swelled with the heavy rain from the storm.

We were forced to travel a good distance out of the way until Draggar found a shallower, more sedate section for us to safely cross. As the hours have slowly ticked by, a steady thrum has settled inside me urging me to hurry up and get to my friends.

At the same time, I’m scared at what I’ll find when we get there. What if we miscalculated and they ran out of food and water days ago? What if another one of those pterodactyl things – which, I’ve found out they call anuroi – has attacked them? Or a tiniio? Or the Pugj? Or even one of the other tribes on this planet? A tribe that might not be as welcoming as Draggar’s is.

Anything could have happened in the time that I’ve been gone, and I’m so scared that when we get to the girls, it will be too late.

I almost want to turn around and run back to the village with its tall, safe walls and Draggar’s cozy hut, but I can’t. I have to help the girls. We may not have known each other long, but they’re the closest friends I’ve ever had. I can’t leave them out here by themselves.

So, I keep moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other.

Early in the morning, as the sun has just risen over the horizon sending out a beam of light, we crest the top of a hill. In the distance, I make out the reflection of sunlight reflecting off of something metal.

It’s the spaceship. It has to be.

My heart pounds as it fills with bittersweet anticipation. We’re almost there. Just a little bit further and I’ll know if they’re okay.

Still, my stomach clenches in nervous dread as we make our way down the hill and through the dense trees towards the crash site. Draggar must feel my worry because he places his calloused hand in mine, giving it a squeeze of comfort. The essence of his spirit inside me is confident with a quiet strength, and it relaxes me, leeching away some of the anxiety tumbling through me.

I’m still amazed that we can actually feel each other’s emotions. I don’t really understand it, and I’m not sure how it works, but I don’t really have to know to be able to appreciate it.

After a short while, we reach the edge of the clearing and I can spot the mangled wreckage through the trees. I take a step forward, ready to burst through the line of dense foliage and race to the ship, but before I can, Draggar holds up his hand and urges me to wait.

“Let us make sure it is safe before we approach the wreckage, amoris.”

I open my mouth to protest, but then I nod my head when I realize he’s right. Anything could have happened while I’ve been gone, and anything could be inside the ship.

Better safe than sorry.

We crouch down and observe the crash site for a little while. The entire clearing is eerily quiet and still, and I don’t see any signs of the others. But I do notice a few changes.

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