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“Sounds good to me.”

A wistful smile tilts the corners of Haley’s lips at the prospect, and I long to press my mouth against her again and return to what we were doing only moments before. Instead, I allow my hands to roam down her body until they land on the soft skin of her stomach.

“We have much to look forward to, amoris. Very much.” I say as I settle for pressing one more kiss against her lips before parting.

We quickly dress and I grab the satchel that I packed the night before with the supplies we will need on our journey. Throwing it over my shoulder, we join the others who have already gathered outside.

The sky is still dark and it will be hours before the sun rises, but I want us to get an early start on our journey to the crashed ship. Joining us will be the tribe’s healer, Warrix, plus Maalin, Enosir, Sorrin, and Vrenner. I carefully chose each one because they are all trustworthy males who are more than honorable.

Maalin is the most skilled metal forger in the tribe, and I know he will appreciate the opportunity to rummage through the wreckage for any materials he can use. He is one of the quieter members of the tribe barely saying a word to anyone, but when he speaks, everyone listens. His calm, quiet demeanor will be welcome on the trek to the crashed ship.

Sorrin is a charming male who is always ready with a smile and a funny tale. He is a little younger than me, but he’s a capable and experienced warrior who I would trust with my life.

Warrix as our healer is a competent, dependable male that can be counted on to do his best to treat any injuries the females might have, and like all Laediriian males, he has been trained as a warrior and can handle a sword with skill if needed.

Enosir is the youngest male in our party, having just reached the age of twenty not long ago and passing his warrior trials after that. He is headstrong and prefers to run when he can walk, but he is a competent warrior who can be depended on, even though his skills could use a little more polishing. A few days of traveling at a set pace and working with the others will be a perfect learning experience for him.

Vrenner, meanwhile, is excited about the opportunity to search the craft for anything salvageable that can be used in his role as the tribe’s tech. I glance over at him and notice that he is practically bouncing on his feet with the urge to leave already.

I suspect the two younger males are just as keen to get going, but for an entirely different reason. There is a noticeable thread of excitement between Enosir and Sorrin as they discuss their eagerness to see the females, and I decide that I must have a talk with them at some point before we arrive at the ship.

Laediriian males would never harm a female, nor would we force one. Our culture values – no, reveres – females. Even long before the plague killed our females, they were cherished and honored by us. Laediriian females held elevated positions of power in our society and were treasured for their contributions to our species. It has been that way since the ancient Laediriians worshipped the goddesses they believed brought about our existence. Females were, and have always been, the center of our society.

Still, it has been generations since our males have interacted with females, and I want to make sure my fellow warriors are on their best behavior around the humans. I have learned during my time with Haley that humans not only look different from us, but their culture and personalities are different, as well. No matter that my mate has a fiery spirit and a bravery that I admire, she is fragile and delicate when compared to a Laediriian. And if the other humans are like her, then they all are.

I glance around and realize nearly every member of the tribe is already awake and milling about to witness our departure. As we head out of the village and through the opened gates, a yell goes up and the gathered males join together to cheer us on. There are smiles and well-wishes on their lips. Even my father is there to send us on our way with entreaties for a safe journey.

Standing at the back of the crowd, I notice Jaran standing alone. He watches our exit with an unreadable expression on his face. That’s when I recall that I didn’t see his son at the evening meal last night. I glance around at the males in the village center, but I do not see Vrok’s distinctive hair anywhere. Maybe he is away on a long hunt or maybe . . . I shake my head at that thought.

There will be time to deal with the threat the other tribes and the Pugj pose later. For now, I must concentrate on the journey ahead of us.

As we make our way into the jungle, I take the lead position with Haley following right behind me. Maalin, Enosir, Vrenner, and Warrix take the outside positions with Sorrin following at the rear.

We travel at a slower pace than if we were by ourselves, and when we stop for a short break, I notice Enosir chafes against our lack of speed. He has always been a male who is in a rush to get everywhere, one who ran before he even walked as a kitling. I know it must annoy him to travel so slowly, but I am not willing to overtax my mate. Her legs are not as long as ours and she cannot keep up with our stride. Enosir will just have to become used to it.

Haley is quiet and withdrawn as we travel, something that I am not accustomed to. During our prior journey to my village, she softly chatted to me, even though she knew I could not understand her, and I pointed out anything along the way I thought she would find interesting, and she absorbed it all with bright, watchful eyes. Now, she is almost entirely silent and only speaks to respond to questions. I miss the sound of her soft voice and the heated looks she would send my way.

At first, I thought perhaps she was shy around the other males from my tribe, which would be understandable as they are intimidating males much larger than my tiny mate. But when we made our first stop for a brief rest and then later our second stop, she was still unusually quiet even when away from the others.

Her lips, which are usually ready with an enchanting smile for me, are pressed tight in a line and her eyebrows are creased together. The echo of her spirit inside me is a troubled ball of anxiety that settles like a knot in my chest. I suspect I know exactly what has her so worried.

Haley does not want to remain on my planet.

She has shared stories of her home world, the planet called Earth. She has told me of the large huts that contain more food than a human could eat in a year and of the transportation vehicles that are common everywhere eliminating the need for walking long distances or riding eponirs. She has spoken wistfully of something called air conditioning, a device that cools the air when it is hot.

Earth sounds like an advanced, safe world without the worries that so frequently concern those of us who live on Laedirissae. We hunt for our food and are on guard against attacks from the beasts of our planet and our enemies. And now, at least one tribe has seemingly united with the Pugj and I do not know what that will mean for our future.

I feel foolish that I ever thought Haley would want to remain here with me on this primitive planet when she could return to her advanced home world. If my mate wants to return to Earth, then I will do what I must to help her. I do not know how, but I will search the entirety of Laedirissae – and the universe, if I have to – until I find a way for her to return to her home. Anything to ease her worries and return the smile to her face.

And if Haley will allow it, I would like to journey with her to Earth. I cannot imagine my life without her. My place is beside Haley, whether it is here on Laedirissae or on Earth. She is my mate, and no matter where she is, I want to be with her.

I would miss my tribe and the beauty of planet Laedirissae, but without Haley, my life would have no meaning anymore. From the moment I met her, it was like my muted existence was suddenly awash with bright colors and feeling.

Now that I have found her, I realize that I was going through the motions of life before her and just trying to survive. With her by my side, I feel like I am finally and completely alive. Everything is magnified with her - my feelings, the pleasure I feel when she touches me, even my senses.

I know it is the amoris bond at work. It not only connects us to our mate, but it amplifies our sense of hearing, smell, and vision, so we are better able to protect our mate. And protect and care for Haley is what I will do, no matter if it is here or on Earth.

I just hope the humans on Earth will be accepting of me if Haley wants to return to her home because I plan to be by her side.

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