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I don’t know if my words have made a difference, but he nods and I swear I can see some of the heavy guilt visibly leave him and a glimmer of hope begins to grow inside me.

Draggar takes a long look at the artificial womb before turning back to me, his gaze thoughtful. “When my brother’s kitling emerges, I would like to raise him as my own.” Optimism shines from his eyes. “But only if my mate is agreeable.”

I open my mouth and start to reply, but he makes a noise in his throat and rubs his thumb over my lips. “I would like for you to take your time before you decide. I want you to be completely sure before you give me your answer. It is a big decision.”

My thoughts race as I nod at him. He’s right. It is a big decision. Not only would I have a mate, but a child, too. A child that I’ve only recently admitted to myself that I want.

An alien mate and an alien child.

If someone had told me a year ago – hell, a month ago – that I’d be faced with a decision like this, I would have asked them what drugs they were on.

Chapter 27


The next morning arrives earlier than I would like, and I wish I could stay in bed with my mate forever.

Haley and I claimed each other many times last night and I know, even as sated as I am right now, that it will never be enough. But I have promised to take her to the other females and I will always keep my promises to her.

My mate is still sound asleep by my side. Her dark lashes feather shadows onto her cheeks and a light snore that makes me grin emerges from her. She is curled up with her head on my chest and her soft brown hair trails over my skin. I bury my face against her tresses and inhale a deep breath of her delightful aroma.

This is exactly how I want to wake every morning.

A hollow place inside me that I did not even realize was empty has been filled by her presence and has been made whole. It is a glorious feeling, and I finally understand the tales from long ago of the completion that comes with the amoris bond. The connection that pulls spirit mates together is like an entity of its own.

As I breath in her scent, one of Haley’s legs that has been thrown over mine moves higher until it’s centered just over my hips. My cock, already thick with desire, jumps in its eagerness to join with her and I hold back a groan of need.

For so many years, I felt lost, as if something was missing from my existence. Even when it was my turn to deposit my seed into one of the wombs and watch it develop, I refused. It somehow felt wrong. I did not understand why I felt hesitant to reproduce with the wombs, but the reluctance was so strong that I could not do it. The unease I felt only grew from there.

When my brother died earlier this year, that feeling of disquieting emptiness and wrongness expanded until I felt as if it would suffocate me. But now, it’s gone and for the first time, I feel a peaceful completeness. I know what I was missing all along.

It was Haley.

She is the part of me that was out there that I did not even know was missing – the spirit that compliments my own perfectly.

Our elders enjoy reciting stories passed down from the ancestors of what our society was like when Laediriian females existed – tales of the possessiveness, devotion, and all-encompassing love that occurs between bonded spirit mates. As a young male, I remember scoffing at their tales and viewing them as something more akin to the myths told about the goddesses that our ancient ancestors worshipped many centuries ago. I never really believed the connection between spirit mates could be that all-consuming. But now, I know the bond is even stronger than that.

Haley is my everything, and I will spend the rest of my life ensuring she is safe and happy. That is all that matters. She is all that matters.

I press my lips against my mate’s head and when she responds with a soft gasp of indrawn air, I realize she is awake. Haley moves closer to me, and wraps her arms around me, burrowing her face against my neck.

She huffs out a deep sigh against my skin, and my body responds to her. The slow simmer of hunger that always flows through me when I think of my mate increases and leaves a path of heat behind. My second heart beats out a steady rhythm sending a surge of mateblood through my veins.

I stroke a hand down my mate’s bare back leading her to shift her hips against me. Haley lifts her head and blinks sleepily at me. I watch as her blue eyes darken with need with need, before she leans up and presses her lips against mine. A whimper escapes her when I sweep my tongue into her mouth to tangle with her own and the sound shoots down my spine.

It takes only moments for my cock to become as hard as a sword with the need to lay my mate back and claim her, but Haley has other plans in mind. She shifts over me and places a leg on either side of my hips, grinding down against my rigid length. Her slick cunt is centered right over my cock.

My nostrils flare as I scent my mate’s arousal, thick and sweet in the air. Her desire feeds my own and the heat that was centered in my chest expands outward until it’s all I can feel. With a growl, I thrust my tongue into her mouth, stroking and exploring her recesses, as my hand goes to the enthralling large protrusions on her chest that I have learned are called breasts.

They are magnificent. When I take one of her pink, pebbled nipples between my fingers and roll it, Haley tears her lips away from mine with a loud gasp that trails off into a moan. Her scent is stronger now and my mouth waters at the memory of the delectable taste of her cunt and the breathy sounds she makes when I devour her.

Before I can make my way down Haley’s body and latch my mouth onto her cunt, a loud knock rattles against the door. The murmur of voices filters in from outside, and I realize with disappointment that there is not enough time to pleasure my mate.

“As much as it pains me, it is time for us to depart.” I reluctantly pull away after pressing one last kiss against Haley’s lips.

“I wish we never had to leave this bed.” She groans and leans her forehead against my own, frustration on her face.

I chuckle and place my hand on her inviting curves. “In the old times, spirit mates would spend many days secluded with each other strengthening their bond after the first claiming. It is a special time when the mateblood is high for both mates, we call it the claiming lust. Unfortunately, the old ways fell away when our females and the amoris bond left us. When we return to the village, perhaps we can revive the tradition.”

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