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Chapter 28


The day passes and before I know it the sun has begun to set, painting the sky a glorious riot of vibrant colors that makes my breath catch. Laedirissae may be a dangerous planet, but I am continually amazed at how stunning it is.

Relief flows through me when I finally hear Draggar call a halt to our journey and announce that it’s time to make camp. It’s been a really long day, made even longer by the troubling thoughts that won’t leave me alone.

We’ve stopped in a clearing with a tumble of rocks on one side that provides a natural barrier. The sound of a small stream burbles in the distance somewhere, and a carpet of small purple flowers blooming at the edge of the clearing releases their sweet aroma perfuming the air.

The backs of my thighs burn as I bend over to gather sticks for a fire. Today’s hike went much better than I expected, and I’m not as sore as I have been. The paste that the medic, Warrix, put on my feet has lived up to its hype.

Even though it seemed like we hiked for miles today, I don’t think we covered as much ground as we could have if it was just the warriors traveling by themselves. And I know it’s because Draggar is making us travel slower because he doesn’t want to push me too hard, and I’m grateful for that. While I already feel a lot better and stronger, I’m still feeling the aftereffects of so many days without enough food and the crash. One of the other aliens – a younger guy named Enosir – isn’t so happy about it, though, and he seemed to be a little irritated at our slow pace.

At the same time, I kind of agree with him and wish we could get there sooner. Worry for my friends has settled in my stomach like a gnawing ball, urging me to hurry. I haven’t known them for very long, but you can’t go through the things we’ve been through together and not develop a strong bond.

I care about them. Even Crystal, who let’s face it, can be a little bitchy at times. The thought that something could have happened to any of them in the days since I’ve been gone has me tense with fear, and the what ifs keep running through my head.

But that’s not all that has me unsettled.

Chief Daggir’s words from the night before keep playing over and over in my head on repeat. The Laediriians are desperate to continue their species, and it’s obvious he regards the return of the amoris bond as an important step for ensuring their species survival.

But I can’t have children.

Never having a child was a reality that I accepted long ago, but now, after meeting Draggar my heart aches at the thought of never having his baby. I saw the hopeful look on his face this morning when he cupped my belly and spoke of our future together. It wasn’t hard to figure out what he meant, and I want that future so badly that it hurts.

When I was first abducted, all I could think about was finding a way back to Earth, back to my home, but I’ve realized that place wasn’t my home anymore. It hadn’t been home for me in a long time.

What’s back there for me? A lonely house that I rent. An ex who cheated on me. A job that just barely pays enough to cover the bills. Co-workers who have likely already forgotten me. But here? I have Draggar, and I know he would be devastated if I left.

But will he still feel the same way when he finds out I can’t have children? I think he will, but I don’t know.

Memories of how Chad reacted when I walked in on him banging another woman and the vicious words he hurled at me echo in my mind. He said that he wanted a real woman, not some dried up husk. His insults still plague my thoughts and I realize his words hurt me more than I thought.

Laughter echoes around the clearing, and I realize while I’ve been wool-gathering, the men have nearly finished setting up the campsite. A couple of them have returned from hunting carrying the carcasses of two birds that they quickly set about cleaning and preparing to roast over a fire. I drop the bundle of sticks I managed to collect next to the small fire pit that has already been dug out, and I drag my feet over to where Draggar is busy rolling out our pallets.

He looks up at me as I draw near and the love and warmth from his gaze feels like a physical caress as it sweeps over me, and I realize I need to tell him. Sooner rather than later. I can’t keep letting him go on without knowing that I will never be able to have children.

I just hope he’ll still care for me after he knows the truth. If he doesn’t, well, I don’t know if my heart will be able to handle it and I don’t know what I’ll do. The thought of not having him in my life feels like a knife sticking in my chest.

As I draw near, Draggar rises to his feet and holds out his hand for me.

“Come, my amoris. I wish to show you something.” His eyes twinkle at me as I take his hand.

He whispers a few words to his cousin and then he guides me through the trees until the campsite disappears behind us and the sounds of the others fade away. After a couple of minutes of walking, the noises of the jungle around us are disturbed by the sound of trickling water. A thick wall of vegetation is in front of us, and I wonder for a moment if Draggar is going to lead us straight into it.

The corners of his mouth are upturned in a relaxed, happy grin as he says, “I picked this clearing to camp in tonight because it is near one of my favorite spots in our territory.” He pushes a large, thick vine almost as wide as a person out of the way and we walk through the opening that has been created.

My breath catches in my throat as I stare in awe around us.

This clearing is smaller than the one where our campsite is, but in the center is a natural pool of water, glistening brightly in the fading light. Steam rises off the top of the water and I realize it’s another hot spring. Flowers surround the edges of the clearing in a vibrant rainbow of colors, their petals and leaves already beginning to glow in the fading light.

Even from where we stand, I can feel the warmth emanating from the hot spring, and I feel myself already beginning to relax at the thought of submerging my sore muscles in the soothing heat. Anticipation makes me stumble as I quickly strip off my clothes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Draggar doing the same. The old me – Earth Haley – would have been shy about my baring my body to him, especially outside, but he always makes me feel desirable. He’s seen every part of me, even the jiggly bits that I’ve always tried to hide away, and he wants me. He doesn’t seem to mind the cellulite on my thighs or the stretch marks that wrap around my stomach and hips. Instead, he looks at me with a hunger so stark like I’m a four-course meal and he’s starving.

Even now, his eyes have already turned liquid gold as they sweep over me from head to toe. His thick cock curves towards his firm belly, and he absently reaches down to give it a firm stroke in a move that makes my thighs clench together.

He reaches me and I eagerly place my hand in his, and together, we stride forward to the sloping entry of the pool. It’s deeper than it looked, and the water stops just at my chest. With a deep sigh, I sink down and sit on a rock at the far edge from the entrance.

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