Page 116 of Finding Mr. Write

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He looked around. As exposed as the spot felt, it really was hidden. No one was going to whip around the corner and get a show.

“This seems private enough to me.”

“So no restrictions?”


She smiled. “Excellent. Then I think I’m going to test that expert self-control of yours.”

“Go ahead.”

She undid his belt and tugged it from the loops. Then she rolled it up and tucked it into her bag. As she leaned in to kiss him, her hands returned to his waistband, sliding along it before flicking open the button on his fly. Her fingers glided over his abdomen and down in a teasing exploration. A tug on his fly, slow and steady, until it was open.

He pulled her back into a kiss as she reached into his boxers. At first, she deftly avoided touching where he really wanted her to touch. Then her fingers tickled along the length of him, and he groaned, kissing her harder.

Her hand slowly closed around him, seeming to take forever before she had him tight in her grip. At the tingle of a cool breeze, he broke the kiss and looked down.

She’d pushed down his boxers. Her hand slid down him, leaving him exposed. He looked at the parking lot, and yes, it was empty, but he was still standing outside a bookstore with his cock out, rock hard, Daphne’s hand sliding down to cup his balls.

“Too much?” she murmured.

He shook his head. While he could hear the roar of distant traffic, everything around them was completely silent and empty. He didn’t need to worry about flashing himself to an innocent stranger, but he was still in a public place, the cool night air tickling his cock as Daphne’s hand ran along it, and that was hotter than he could have imagined.

With her free hand, Daphne unbuttoned his shirt. Her tongue slid down behind each opened button, and when she made a move to bend her knee, she looked up at him. “Still okay?”

He tried to speak but could only nod. She lowered herself in front of him, and he leaned back against the wall, eyes half closing as her tongue slid along his cock.

He reached to put his hands on her head, not pushing or pulling or speeding her along, but toying with her hair as she toyed with him.

Her tongue slid along him again, and her lips teased—

Tires crunched on pavement.

Chris’s eyelids flew open as a black car turned into the parking lot, and his first thought was: It’s fine. They can’t see us.

Except even if they were hidden, this car was here for them, the driver looking for them.

Daphne quickly stood, shielding him.

“Damn it,” she muttered. “They’re early. I had a timer set for five minutes before they were supposed to get here.” She helped him zip up his trousers. Then she paused, a slow smile on her face. “The cars have a privacy screen, right?”

“They do.”

“May I continue in the back seat?”

He grinned. “Absolutely.”


Every town car they’d taken had a barrier between the driver and the back seat. And now they got the one damned town car without it.

Daphne had tried to figure out a way around that. Going down on Chris was out of the question. But maybe putting a jacket over his lap and sliding her hand under it?

That would be so much easier if they’d brought a jacket. Or a sweater. Or anything.

“Well, this is inconvenient,” she muttered as she glared at the lack of a divider.

Chris chuckled against her ear. “Probably for the best.”
