Page 117 of Finding Mr. Write

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“There’s that phrase again. Define ‘best.’”

He nuzzled her ear, his fingers toying with the hem of her skirt. “I’d been about thirty seconds from proving that my expert self-control isn’t all that expert. Which would not be for the best. Also, the trip back to our hotel is simultaneously too long and too short.”

She arched a brow.

He continued, whispering at her ear, “Too long for me to get through it without coming, and too short for me to be ready again once we’re out of this car. However…” He inched the skirt up her thighs. “While the length of the ride might be wrong, the length of this skirt is exactly right, along with the angle of the seat and the rearview mirror.” He lowered his voice. “I’m a math guy. I can calculate these things.”

His fingers slid to the inside of her thigh.

“May I?” he said.

She could only nod mutely.

He took his time, just as she had in the parking lot. She now wished she’d moved a little faster, for his sake, but she’d make up for it soon enough.

As his fingers crept up, her mind went back to that parking lot, to Chris against the wall, his cock rock-hard under her fingers, under her lips, under her tongue.

When his own fingers reached their destination, Chris gave a soft chuckle, finding her as ready as he’d been.

“I was just thinking about you in that parking lot,” she whispered.

“You liked that?”

“I did. I just wish I could have had more time.”

His fingers slid into her as his mouth came to her ear. “What would you have done if you had more time?”

“Do you kids want something to eat?” the driver asked.

Daphne’s legs clamped together so fast, Chris chuckled again. His fingers slid out as he leaned forward.

“Hmm?” he said.

“The lady who called the car said you might want to eat on the way home.”

“Mmm, yeah, I could eat something,” Chris said. “But I’ll wait until I get back.”

“You want to go through a drive-thru?”

“Nah.” Chris’s fingers tickled the inside of her leg. “I’ve got everything I need right here.”

Daphne bit her cheek to keep from laughing.

He leaned to her ear. “How about you? Up for a little something to eat when we get back?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t call it little.”

He laughed against her ear. “Good. Then we can both enjoy—”

“So where you kids from?” the driver asked.

Chris looked from Daphne to the driver. She eased back in the car, removing his fingers from her thigh.

“Soon,” she whispered. “Think of it as building an appetite.”

He shook his head and then answered the driver’s question.

