Page 115 of Finding Mr. Write

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“All right then,” Sakura said after the photos were done. “Before we go, Zane, are you okay with signing store stock?”


He cleared his throat. “Of course.”

By now, he could stand, and he walked to the rack holding the remaining half dozen copies of Edge. In a few days, they’d be collectors’ items with the original “Zane” signature. Just six books to sign and then—

Wheels squeaked. He looked up as one staff member appeared, pushing a trolley full of books, another behind her… with another trolley.

“All the regional chain stores sent their stock,” Sakura said. “That’s why we only hit indies this afternoon.”

“I… see.”

“A signed book is a sold book,” Sakura chirped.

“Now how fast can you sign?” Daphne whispered.

“Call Guinness,” he whispered back. “Because I’m about to set a world record.”


The books were signed. All two hundred of them. Did they want to make sure he didn’t have the use of his fingers tonight?

Apparently, he was going to have some time to recover, because the damned town car had left. Sakura had booked it for four hours, and when nine thirty hit, the driver calculated that he couldn’t get them back to the hotel by ten and declared his shift done. That left Sakura scrambling for a replacement. Chris had protested that a taxi was fine, but they were in the suburbs, and getting a town car would be faster.

Sakura was spending the night with a local friend, and she’d tried to insist on staying behind, but Daphne had shooed her off.

A few staff members had offered to wait with them, too, but they’d said no, the store was closing and they weren’t making anyone stay late.

“We’ll be fine,” Daphne had said. “I have Zane to protect me.”

She’d been teasing. Did he still think it sounded kinda hot? Yes, he did.

Now they were tucked into a shadowy emergency exit as the staff exited, all of them looking over to say goodbye, which really put a damper on the possibilities of that shadowy spot.

Daphne took the time to massage his hand, which he had to admit felt good, her thumb rubbing his palm, her fingers massaging the base of his thumb.

Finally, there was the distant click of a door lock, and the manager waved and called a goodbye as she headed to her car.

“I do believe we’re alone,” Daphne whispered in his ear.

“Seems like it.”

“Absolutely alone.” She looked out at the now-empty lot. “Sakura’s gone. The staff is gone. There are no security cameras, and the car isn’t due to arrive for another twenty minutes. Whatever will we do?”

He pulled her to him in a deep kiss. She was into it for about one minute. Then she pulled back.

“Too public?” he said.

She laughed softly, her eyes glinting in the near dark. “Not at all. Is it too public for you?”

“Not at all.”

“Too public if I…?” She fingered his belt buckle. “Unbuttoned this?”

He opened his mouth and had to settle for shaking his head.

“Any restrictions?” she said. “Things you’d rather I didn’t do until we’re in a more private spot?”
