Page 71 of Love Betrayal

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“Yes, gorgeous,” I reply, staring at her.

“That massage was the best I think I’ve ever had. I feel so relaxed,” she says, smiling up at me. “I love you, you know that? Thanks for bringing me here.”

“I love you, too,” I say, stopping to open the door to our villa for her to enter before me. She walks inside and then stops when she sees the rose petals, in the shape of a heart, and trailing around the beautifully set dinner table.

“Oh my God,” she whispers. “River, this is beautiful.”

She turns around, her eyes wide and a smile on her face, and I drop to one knee before her.

“Bella, you are the love of my life, my soulmate, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?” I ask, my fingers trembling as I hold the box open for her to see the ring.

“Yes, of course I will,” she replies, her eyes tearing up with happiness. I slide the ring on her finger, and she looks at it with wonder. “That is the most stunning ring I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Thank fuck.

All my nerves disappear and I stand up and kiss her. She said yes, she’s mine for fucking ever.

I pull out her chair for her and we both sit, and our dinner is served to us, course by course. Just the two of us, under the moonlight, surrounded by rose petals, our private pool lit up with romantic dim lighting.

“I can’t believe you did all this,” she says, looking down at her ring in awe. “I can’t stop smiling.”

I put on some Ed Sheeran for her to listen to, and we finish our dinner and then dance together, enjoying everything about this moment.

It’s the happiest moment of my life.

The next few days we spend at the villa, living our best lives, making love, eating and swimming. It’s perfect. Bella wears her ring proudly, and I couldn’t love her and our time together any more.

I have a fiancée.

That’s why as soon we get home to the clubhouse, and the police show up to take me in for questioning, you can imagine how pissed off I am. I’ve been living in a romantic bubble the last few days, only to come home to this bullshit.

“We’d like to ask you some questions on the disappearance of Robert Montanna,” the officer says, escorting me to the car. The look in the cops’ eyes is not friendly. They think I murdered him.


I was kind of thinking they were coming after me for the murder of Mark, or maybe Victor, so this one caught me by surprise.

I can see the panic in Bella’s eyes as I’m driven away, and I curse the cops for their timing, and my asshole stepfather for still ruining my life from the grave.

Because I did kill Robert Montanna.

But how the fuck are they going to prove it?

They sit me in the examination room and try the good cop, bad cop method to get a confession, or any other information out of me. They can try as hard as they like. Getting confessions out of people is what I do for fun, and none of their legal mind games are going to work, but go ahead and let them try.

“We got a tip that you might know what happened to Robert, so we just want to talk to you about it,” the nice cop says, sitting down opposite me.

Who would know this? Romeo? No, he wouldn’t. Bella? No. She would never do that to me. I trust her with my life.

But who would say something now? Andrew? Now that the cat’s out of the bag, maybe he wants me out of the way?

The cop pours me a glass of water. “Were you close with your father?”

“Not really, but last I heard that wasn’t a crime. Do you have any evidence to back up this tip?” I ask, curious as to whether they can keep me, or if this is just them grasping at straws to try to pin someone for Robert’s murder.

“This is just an interview,” she replies, which means they have nothing. And as they should, because I covered my tracks extremely well.

After Robert beat my mother so bad for the last time, she was put in a coma to relieve the swelling in her head. That’s when she lost the sight in her eye.
