Page 70 of Love Betrayal

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When River comes into the bedroom an hour or so later, he tells me that Andrew apologized to him, and doesn’t want to keep any secrets. He wants to openly acknowledge him as his son.

“Why did he take so long to come around?” I ask. River seems to forgive Andrew but I can’t. Not yet.

“Well, he never knew the truth—he suspected. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.” He shrugs. That feels like the motto for the last year. But if I’ve learned anything, it’s that knowing the truth matters more. “And Victoria asked that he keeps his distance. She felt horrible for telling me and I think she wanted to ignore her guilt for a while.”

What a family!

“He seemed genuine about it, but I don’t know. He was more than happy to dust it under the rug all of these years,” he says, sighing. “The ‘it’ being me.”

“I guess it’s more complicated than that, isn’t it, with him dating your mom’s sister, and then your mom getting into a relationship with a new man, too,” I say, sitting on his lap and holding him. “But it’s nice he wants to make amends now.”

“Yeah, it is, and it’s nice to have it all out in the open,” he admits. “I’m glad that things can calm down now. And speaking of, I was thinking, how about we go away for a night or two?”

“Where to?” I ask, excitedly.

“I’ll book us a cabin somewhere, and we can eat, drink and sightsee,” he suggests, kissing my neck. “And be as loud as we want without you worrying that everyone can hear us.”

I laugh. “That sounds nice. Let’s do it.”

“Good,” he replies, turning my face to him and kissing me. His fingers brush my nipples and I moan softly.

I would have thought that living together we’d be having less sex, but no, we are still firmly in the honeymoon stage, and still can’t get enough of each other.

He pushes me back onto the bed, lifts my dress and pulls down my red panties, growling when he sees them. “You’ve been wearing this around all day? Fuck.”

And then his mouth is on my pussy, his hands on my thighs, and I’m lying back and enjoying every second.

He slides a finger inside of me at the same time he sucks on my clit, and it almost sends me over the edge. When he pulls back, I know he doesn’t want me to come yet, but then he shouldn’t be so fucking talented with his mouth and hands.

And his cock.


His puts his tongue back on me, circling my clit just how I like it, and then it’s all over, and I come with his name on my lips, my hips jerking off the bed as wave after wave of pleasure hits me.

Afterward, he gets up and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, and moves to stand.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” I ask, getting up on shaky legs and pushing him back onto the bed. “I’m not done with you yet.”

He grins, flashing his straight white teeth, and pulls off his shirt. I take a moment to enjoy his muscular body as I undo his zipper and pull his jeans down, exposing his thick, hard cock.

And then I take him into my mouth and let the fun begin again.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I wish I could say that I felt calm, but I’m freaking the fuck out. The box is burning a hole in my pocket, and I just hope that she says yes.

Please, let her say yes.

We arrived at our luxury resort this morning, and have since looked around and had some lunch. I then booked us in for a couples massage, and while we are gone from our villa, I’ve organized a private dinner to be set up just for us. I asked for rose petals to be laid on the ground, trailing from the entrance and ending in a big heart, which is where I will get down on one knee. I want to make it as romantic as possible, and for someone like me, who is more comfortable with violence than romance, it’s been a bit stressful. But for Bella, I would do anything, and she deserves a proper, romantic proposal, with lots of effort and thought involved.

Holding hands, we walk back to the villa, admiring the beauty of the resort. “I thought you said you’d get a cabin—I wasn’t expecting anything as fancy as this,” she says, glancing around. “It’s beautiful here. I love it.”

“I’m glad,” I reply, touching the box in my pocket to make sure it’s there for the millionth time. “I wanted to spoil you a little, and after looking online, a cabin wasn’t going to cut it.”

“You always spoil me,” she replies, pointing to some beautiful flowers. “How pretty.”
