Page 6 of Love Betrayal

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“Okay, bye,” she calls back, her amused voice getting closer as she locks the door behind us.

And then I’m placed on the back of his bike, a helmet slid on my head. I hold on to him as he starts the engine, and then takes off without a word.

His body is tense, but you know what?

The conversation we’re about to have has been a long time coming.

But I’m more than ready for it.

And even though he’s angry as fuck at me, he still reaches back to rest the heel of his palm on my thigh when we stop at the lights.

And that’s just one reason I’m fighting for us.

Chapter Two


Most people know better than to push me.

I’d never do anything to hurt Bella, but I’m not going to lie, the anger and jealousy that raged through me has been unexpected. I should have known better. Bella isn’t the type to cheat, but when someone else picked up her phone, I just saw red.

Yes, I know I’m not being rational. It was Julianna. But the surprise of it caught me off guard.

Bella is mine.

I don’t know why she thought it was a good idea to test me, but I’m going to find out momentarily. I’ve been busy the last few days. My new dual role as vice president and enforcer for the Devils MC is being put to the test as I help Romeo navigate his own new spot as president. I’m his right-hand man, his muscle and his go-to whenever he needs a problem fixed and kept silent. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think about Bella or want to be with her. And it doesn’t mean that I don’t keep her safe, because I have men drive by her house every damn night to check on her if I’m not around.

The second we stop at the Devils clubhouse, I get off, and as soon as she removes the helmet, I pick her up once more and all but run inside with her.

“You know I can walk, right?” she yells, slapping at my back.

“Yeah, I know you can answer your phone properly, too,” I reply sarcastically.

I just rented out my property, so the clubhouse is now my permanent residence. Looks like she’s going to have to try to be quiet.

Or let everyone hear, I don’t give a fuck.

But either way, she’s about to be screaming my name.

I ignore everyone I see on the way, close my bedroom door behind us and gently throw her on the bed. She bounces on the mattress a few times while staring daggers at me.

“What is your problem?” she asks, but seriously, she knows exactly what my problem is. She created it.

“Well, you obviously wanted my attention, so now you have it,” I growl, crossing my arms over my chest. My teeth are clenched, but I’m trying my best to not scare her. My mother was always scared of my father, and I could never do that to the woman I want to be with. I couldn’t bear it if she was scared of me, but at the same time she obviously wanted to provoke me.

I need someone who can give it right back to me and know that I would never harm her. Bella has never seen me truly angry, and I’d like to keep it that way.

She stands up and copies my body language. Okay, she’s definitely not scared, and I like that. I feel myself harden even further at her confident stare. “I haven’t heard from you in two days, so apparently that’s what I have to do to get some attention around here.”

“And there we have it,” I say under my breath. I pull my riding gloves off, and then sit down and take off my black leather boots. All the while I can feel her anger building in the silence.

“That’s all you have to say? ‘And there we have it’? And there we have what, River? We’ve been together for over a year now. Don’t you think we need to take it a little more seriously? You could at least send me a text message, let me know you’re okay, and when you’ll find the time to see me—”

I shut her up by standing again, pushing her against the closed door and kissing her. She kisses me back, but I can taste her anger. And I know she’s not asking for anything unreasonable.

But fuck.

I’ve never had to answer to anyone in my life.
