Page 5 of Love Betrayal

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I’d be lying if I say it doesn’t excite me. I am in the Angels MC, after all.

But I’d also be lying if I say it doesn’t scare the shit out of me. While I may have Angel MC in my blood, I’m not used to dating men like River. I know he’s an enforcer, but I haven’t really explored what that means, exactly. Ignorance is bliss and all.

Speak of the devil, his name pops up on my phone. “He’s finally calling me.”

Julianna takes the phone from me. “Let me answer. Hello?” she says, in the manliest voice she can muster, which isn’t very convincing. Oh, shit. I cover my hand with my mouth. “Who am I? Who are you? Bella is busy.”

She ends the call and turns to me. “See, now you won’t have to wonder where he is anymore, because trust me, he’s going to come looking for you.”

I shake my head at her. “I can’t believe you did that. He’s going to be pissed.”

She shrugs, unbothered. “Sometimes men need to have a little fear in them, or they get too comfortable and take you for granted. He shouldn’t go missing for days on end without communicating with you.” She pauses. “Unless you’re into that. I could see the benefits.”

“Well, this is going to be interesting,” I murmur, smirking. “He’s not even calling back.”

She laughs. “Nah, he’ll be climbing on his bike right now, trust me. And since you’re not at home, then he’s going to get even angrier.”

Fifteen minutes pass before Julianna’s phone rings.

“Yes?” she says, sounding sweet as ever.

“Where’s Bella? She’s not at home,” I can hear River growl.

She looks over at me with wide eyes, and I shrug. This is her game—she can play it as she sees fit. I’m finding the whole thing amusing, because I doubt anyone plays with River like this.

No one would have the balls.

“What’s that? You’re cutting out,” she says, making some static noise with her mouth, and then presses End Call.

“Brutal,” I say, amused. “Being pregnant has brought out your villain era, and I’m here for it.”

She laughs, rubbing her belly. “I do feel a little untouchable right now. But also quite vulnerable. It’s weird. Like I’m strong but weak at the same time. I’m growing a person inside of me, but if someone chased me, I probably wouldn’t make it very far.”

“No one would get close enough to you even if they were trying to chase after you,” I muse, reaching for a carrot stick on the platter in front of me. “You’d have two MCs jumping in between. Trust me, you’re the safest woman on the earth.”

“So are you,” she replies, reaching out and taking my hand. “River would do anything to protect you. And his anything would have no limits.”

We share a smile, but it drops the second we hear a motorcycle ride into the driveway.

“That’s him.” I’d know the sound of his bike anywhere.

“Ever the protector.” Julianna glances around and wrinkles her nose. “Wait, you guys aren’t going to have sex out here, are you?” She stands up and smirks. “I can go hide in my room.”

I roll my eyes at her. “We are not having sex at your house!”

She laughs and moves to head inside. “Guess I better let the beast inside.”

“I’ll get it, he’s my beast,” I mutter in a dry tone. “You sit and relax.”

She leans back into her seat and picks up her drink. Which of course happens to be pickle juice. “Good luck.”

After closing the sliding door behind me, I go to the front door and open it, coming face-to-face with the man I’ve fallen in love with. He’s in all-black leather, his gloves still on, his hand still up in the air ready to knock again. Blue eyes the color of the ocean narrow, and the air around him is thick. He’s angry, but he’s controlling himself.

“What game are you playing, Bella?” he asks, teeth clenched. He pulls me against his cut and lifts my face up to him, cupping my cheek a little rougher than necessary.

“It wasn’t me, it was—”

He lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. “Julianna, we’re going! Romeo is on his way home now!”
