Page 59 of Love Betrayal

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I get in the driver’s seat and wait for Romeo to make up the plan with Jag. Jeremiah and Damon get in the car. Damon still looks like shit, with a black eye and swollen face, and if I wasn’t such an asshole I’d probably apologize to him for that.

Romeo shows me a map on his phone. “They want me to go to this warehouse. You guys could park right here. Just know that they are likely expecting this, and I have no idea what we’re walking into right now.”

“We will make it work, we always do,” I tell him, nodding. “Let’s go, we’ve got this.”

Except we fucking don’t. We’re going in blind. We don’t even know how many people will be there, nothing.

But fuck it, I’ve had a good run.

As long as we get Corey out safely, I don’t fucking care what happens to me.

I put the location into my GPS and get on our way.

“I hope we fucking know what we are doing,” Jeremiah says. He’s wearing his usual leather getup; I just hope he can run in those pants.

“We just need to get her out alive. I don’t care what we need to do,” Damon says, echoing my thoughts from the back seat. I hate to admit it, but I’m glad he’s here. I need someone with that mentality. Because I don’t care what we need to fucking do either.

There’s no boundaries I wouldn’t cross right now to make sure she gets home safe and sound.

We drive behind Romeo, then part as we get closer to the warehouse. We go around the back and park, while Romeo heads up the front and gets off his bike.

As he walks in with his hands in the air, we move closer on foot, surrounding the warehouse exits.

Do they have her standing out there with them, waiting for Romeo? I wonder if I can run in when the time’s right, guns blazing, and—

I freeze when I feel the barrel of cold steel pushed against my temple. I curse myself for being so distracted and not seeing that coming.

Concentrate, River.

“Get up,” a familiar voice says. I stand up and turn around to look at Mark. That piece of shit. “I knew you’d show up.”

I want to murder him with my bare hands, but I need him to walk me inside the warehouse so I can see what’s going on and figure out how to get us all out.

“You’re the one who took Corey?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “No, I’m not. Come on.”

When I step inside the warehouse, I see Romeo sitting on a chair, and in front of him is none other than Cathy.

Now that isn’t a surprise to me, at all. We had a suspicion it was her trying to kill Romeo in revenge for him killing Victor.

But the real shock is the person standing next to Cathy.


Julianna’s sister, and Romeo’s ex.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

This bitch must have been holding on to this anger and decided to team up with Cathy to get some old-fashioned revenge. She played it well, because we thought she was cool with Julianna, and that all was forgiven.

We welcomed her into our home.

“We knew that wherever Romeo is, you would be,” Cathy says, pursing her pink lips. “I was only going to kill Romeo, but I suppose taking out his enforcer is also a win.”

“I thought you and Julianna were close now,” Romeo says to Rosalind, his jaw clenched tight.

She tilts her head back and laughs. “That’s what I wanted you to think. Did you think I was going to let you get away with what you did to me? You broke my heart, and then gave yours to my sister. You killed Victor, who Veronica loved, and then you took over our MC. You’ve done damage to everyone with your selfishness, Romeo. It’s about time you learned a lesson. Cathy told me that I’m allowed to be angry. My feelings matter, too. It’s not just about Julianna.”
