Page 58 of Love Betrayal

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Damon arrives, and I don’t miss the panic in his eyes. I know exactly how he feels, and I don’t have the time to argue with him now. The tightness of his jaw lets us know he’s not going to take no for an answer, and I don’t think even Romeo could stop him.

“We need someone to stay behind,” I say, giving him a long look.

Testing him?


He throws a glance in my direction. “Well, it’s not fucking going to be me.”

I take a step in his direction.

“I can wait,” Jag offers, looking between me and Damon, stopping me in my tracks. “I’ll probably be more help from the security room anyway.”

“Okay,” Romeo agrees, nodding. I don’t miss the assessing stare he gives Damon. “Damon, you listen to whatever I say. We need everyone to stay focused. Do you understand?”

Damon nods, rolling his shoulders back. “Yes, I’ll do whatever I have to.”

Right answer.

“I’ll send you the coordinates for her car,” Jag says, nodding. “Good luck.”

“Look after them,” I say, and he puts his hand on his heart.

“You know I will.”

He goes inside and I get on my Harley, ready to go and bring Corey home where she belongs. And whoever has her? They have fucked with the wrong man.

The rumble of engines fires up and then we are off, following behind Romeo, darting by other cars on the road, until we see Corey’s on the side of a main road. We all stop to inspect it. Nothing looks too amiss, except the keys are still in the engine and there’s a burner phone on the front seat.

I pick it up, my fingers trembling slightly and hand it to Romeo, while I keep looking for anything else that might help us. It rings a few moments later.

Romeo has a short conversation with them, and then ends the call.

“What did they say?” I ask, gritting my teeth.

If anything happens to my sister—

“They gave me an address to go to, but only I can show up or they will kill her,” he says, clenching his jaw.


“You’re not going alone,” I reply. If he does, they will kill him. He’d be giving them what they want and walking right into their trap. And if he goes in alone, Corey might not make it out if it goes to hell and no one else is there to save her.

“We can stay close by,” Jeremiah suggests, scanning the area. “What other options do we have?”

“They’ll hear the bikes—we need a car,” Damon says, eying Corey’s. “What are the chances that they’ve done something to this one?”

“It’s on a main road. I don’t think they would have time to do anything other than grab her,” I say, watching the many cars drive past.

Romeo paces a little, hands in his hair in frustration. “Okay, I’ll go on my bike, the rest of you take the car. I’ll call Jag and tell him the location and see if he can tell us the best way to do this.”

We don’t have a fucking plan.

We just need to show up, and hope for the best, because there is no alternative.

Corey is going to get out of there alive, or I’m going to set this fucking town on fire.

And judging by the hard look on Damon’s face, he’s going to help me.
