Page 60 of Love Betrayal

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“It was you on the phone,” I say, realizing the truth. “You were calling Mark and threatening him, not Cathy.”

Rosalind smirks and looks over at Mark. “Yes, it was me. We put a hit out on Romeo, but after the first man went missing, no one wanted to do the job. Then sweet Bella became the perfect target. After a little digging, Cathy found out that Mark was with the FBI, and I knew he would help me.”

Roger went into hiding, and looks like he did a good job of it.

“The forged signature,” I say, giving Rosalind a bit of credit for the smart plan.

Rosalind smiles, an evil glint in her eyes. “Wasn’t that just perfect? Dear Sally also was a plant. I promised her a load of money if she could keep me posted on what was going on with Julianna and Bella. When she gave me the perfect opportunity to get dirt on Bella? I took it. Bella practically gave me a gift—it was too perfect. So all I had to do was let the information casually fall in Mark’s lap. And then there was Sarah...”

“What about Sarah?” I ask, confused.

“I am Sarah,” Rosalind laughs, winking at Mark, who keeps his expression blank. “We’re in love and would do anything for each other. He was investigating me, or at least my alias. He lost his job at the FBI because of me. And when he thought I was kidnapped, he did whatever was asked of him to get me back. He has proved his loyalty to me, tenfold. I sent my friends dressed up as cops to pick him up from your clubhouse that day, and you guys didn’t even bat an eyelash.” She laughs again, but there’s no emotion behind her eyes. “They weren’t even real cops! I can’t believe the shit you’ve let happen. You have all lost control, and I’ve been loving every second of it. Combining clubs has been the stupidest move you’ve ever made.”

Shit. So she has been using Mark like a puppet this whole time, playing with his emotions by letting him think she was in danger, and he’s still sticking by her? What the fuck is wrong with him? I know her pussy can’t be that good, otherwise Romeo would have hung around longer.

Cathy looks over her firstborn grandson. “It’s sad it has come to this, Romeo. But I lost everything because of you. I got exiled from the family. And now they are all going to feel the pain that I felt.”


She looks over at me and smiles. “I heard that you finally learned the truth. It was Victoria, wasn’t it? Give that woman alcohol and her lips are looser than her legs. I’ve always known, from the day that you were born.”

Romeo glances over at me with confusion in his eyes, and I suppose I have some explaining to do. But now is not the time, which Cathy is more than aware of. She just likes to cause trouble everywhere she goes. I must admit, though, I never saw this team-up happening. Apparently Callistos and Montannas can get along—when they both have a mutual enemy.

I look up and see Jeremiah and Damon slowly enter through the other exit, fluid and graceful, and then it’s on. I’m so done listening to these two.

I spin and knock Mark out in one quick movement, just like I did at home in the clubhouse, then I pull out my gun and aim it at his head. His eyes widen as he falls back onto the ground, still facing me, and his mouth opens to object. But it’s too late. He had his chance to make the right choice, and he didn’t. I pull the trigger and shoot him in the head, taking him out in one lethal shot. Him being Bella’s ex just makes it even easier.

I said I’m done playing and I fucking mean it.

Rosalind screams, and I wince from the piercing sound. She tries to run to Mark, but Damon grabs her with an arm around her shoulders and holds her back. Jeremiah unties Romeo, struggling a bit with his injured hand. When Romeo is free, he walks right up to Grandma Cathy and looks her in the eyes.

“You’re not going to stop, are you?” he asks her.

She shakes her head. “No. I have nothing to lose, Romeo.”

And that makes her a very dangerous person.

Only our grandma would be a fucking villain instead of baking cookies.

“Where is Corey?” I ask them, steel in my tone. I probably should have asked before I killed Rosalind’s lover, but them kidnapping my sister has made me a little trigger-happy. And if Corey isn’t safe, it won’t end with just Mark.

“Why would I tell you?” Rosalind cries, trying to get out of Damon’s hold. “You killed him! What, are you jealous that I’ve moved on now?”

Holy fuck, she is crazy.

“Where is Corey?” Romeo demands of Cathy, whose eyes flicker, but she stays silent. She knows Romeo wouldn’t hurt her. She’s a woman, and older, and our fucking grandma.

“Corey is fine!” Rosalind eventually screams, tears dripping down her cheeks.

Jeremiah, who has been searching around the warehouse, eventually finds her in the trunk of their car, tied up with duct tape. He removes the tape from her mouth and lifts her out.

“Took you long enough,” she calls out when she sees me, but her voice is shaky, and I know she must be rattled. She then turns and sees Damon there, and her eyes widen in surprise. Jeremiah holds her up while he unties her wrists, strain etched across his face.

After a few moments, she walks right up to Rosalind, looks her right in the eyes and then slaps her across her face. The sound echoes throughout the warehouse, and no one moves as we watch them intently. “I saw her on the side of the road, so I stopped to help her. That’s how they got me. I stopped to fucking help you, Rosalind. You are the worst type of woman and you are nothing like your sister at all. I don’t even know how the two of you are related. Romeo was right to leave your evil, spoiled ass.” She looks to Mark, dead on the ground. “I feel bad for him, but you got what you deserved.”

Rosalind cups her cheek with her hand, tears still dripping down her cheeks. “Corey—”

“Don’t fucking speak to me ever again!”
