Page 57 of Love Betrayal

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“I’ll go check on her,” I say, walking to her room and knocking on her door, quiet at first but then louder. I open it when there’s no answer, to find her bed empty. Shit. Did she sneak out? Is she okay?

Wincing that I’m going to have to tell River this news, I go back into the kitchen. “Okay, River, don’t freak out, but she’s not in bed. She must have gotten up early and gone somewhere.”

River pulls out his phone to call her, putting her on speaker. She picks up right away. “Yeah?”

“Where are you?” he asks, fingers gripping his phone tightly.

“I’m on my way to visit Mom. I think it’s time I see her, especially since she finally reached out to me,” she says. “I’ll be back this evening.”

“Okay,” he replies, exhaling in relief. “Drive safe.”

Everyone seems to accept that explanation, but something about it doesn’t sit right with me. Would she up and leave last minute without mentioning anything? I send her a text.

Bella: You okay? Just checking in.

“Do you think it’s weird that Corey just left without saying anything, or is that normal for her?” I ask River as I undress to get into the shower.

“It’s not unusual for her, but I am surprised that she’d go see my mom. It’s a good thing, though—they need to work on their relationship. I’m glad that Corey is being the bigger person and making amends,” he says, leaving the bathroom.

I think it’s a good thing too, but it should be the parent who reaches out to fix the relationship, shouldn’t it? That’s how I think of it. With any future children that I have, it would be up to me to maintain a good, healthy relationship with them.

I guess every family dynamic is different, though, and I hope they can both be happier with each other back in their lives.

After getting dressed, I tidy up the bedroom and office, and then sit down to check my emails when I get a text. Panic fills me as I read it.

Corey: Help!

Bella: Where are you??

I yell out for River, and run to the front of the clubhouse, where the men are fixing their bikes.

“What is it?” he asks, and I show him the message.

“I knew something was wrong—I don’t know, I just felt it,” I say, panicking when I think about something bad happening to her.

“Bella, calm down,” Romeo says, and then starts barking orders. “Jag, go and track her car and see where she is. Everyone else get armed and meet back here in five minutes. We are going after her. Jeremiah, call the Angels clubhouse and tell them to send some men over to stay with the women. And whoever touches a hair on her head is going to fucking pay for it.”

“Yes, they will,” River growls, taking my hand and leading me back indoors. “Stay inside. I’ll give you a gun in case, but don’t use it unless you really fucking have to.”

Jag comes out of his room with information. “Her car’s sitting on the side of the road. We can go straight to it and look for clues.”

“Wait, is there a tracker in my car?” I ask, arching my brow. I’m met with silence, but I already know the answer.

“I’ll take that as a yes. I’m texting Damon,” I say. “He needs to know.”

Bella: Corey is missing. Her car is on the side of the road.

Damon: I’m coming there now.

River kisses me deeply, then rushes out to save his baby sister. The one I told him he didn’t need to protect.

What a fucking mess.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Even though I’m trying to stay calm and collected, inside I’m dying. Nothing can happen to my sister—I will never forgive myself.
