Page 35 of Love Betrayal

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Bella: I need to talk to you and Romeo.

River: You okay?

Bella: I’m fine, at home. But something happened.

River: Coming to you. Now.

Bella: With Romeo?

River: Yes.

Okay, depending on how this goes, my heart is either going to be broken or she’s about to tell me the truth of why the fuck she got into the car of her fed ex-boyfriend.

Yeah, good luck explaining that one to Romeo.

When I call him, he must be balls-deep in his wife because he sounds pissed. “What? This better be important.”

“I need you to come with me to Bella’s—she’s requested you there. No idea what’s going on, but I just found out her ex-boyfriend is a fed.”

I wince at all the cursing and end the call.

The rumbles of our motorcycles pull up to her place twenty minutes later, and the stomping of our large biker boots walking to her front door.

“This better be good,” Romeo mutters.

I agree.

I want some answers, and I want them now.

“Hey.” Bella smiles nervously as she opens the door wide for us to enter. She looks beautiful, still in her fancy businesswear. And I want nothing more than to tear that blouse off her. “Come in. Do you mind coming out to see my garden outside?”

Romeo looks at me with confusion, but we both follow her outside, Hades doing the same.

We take a seat on the outdoor bench and decline her offer of a drink. We just want to get straight to the point.

“What’s going on?” Romeo asks, tapping his fingers on his leg with impatience.

She winces. “Okay, so after work today, my ex-boyfriend Mark was there waiting in his car for me.” Her gray eyes are pinned on me. “You know, the one who showed up to my house recently? Yeah, him.”

Romeo looks like he wants to throttle us both.

Bella continues, “Apparently he’s an FBI agent and was only dating me to get information and dirt on my family and the MC.” She looks at Romeo, reading the room. “I didn’t know,” she stammers. “I never knew. I thought he was some stupid accountant. He was so boring and I almost wish I knew because maybe the real him would’ve kept me interested—”

“Bella...” I say sternly. I do not need to hear this shit about her being turned on by an authoritative federal agent.

She looks at me with wide eyes. “Shit, yes, sorry. I didn’t mean that. I’m still processing. I just meant—”

“Bella, tell me what he said and why I’m here,” Romeo says in his president voice. It’s one he usually only uses with the men.

She looks at him, a bit of fear in her gaze. “Right, sorry. Okay, well, recently, we were closing on this property. The Lansdale property.”

Romeo nods. “I saw the report. It was something Paulie wanted, and we finally were able to buy it at the right price. What does that have to do with this?”

“Let her fucking finish,” I say, warning him to not bite her head off.

“Yeah. Okay. Um...well, so there was a very strict deadline on closing and the paperwork didn’t get finalized correctly—”

“Why is that?” Romeo tries to ask nicely but it’s coming out as annoyance.
