Page 36 of Love Betrayal

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“That was the same day I walked in on you in the I was distracted. I, uh, wasn’t focused at work and when I left for the day I forgot to sign the documents. Sally, our new assistant, called all the Callistos since any one of us could sign it and, well, she got Rosalind...”

Romeo groans. Rosalind has been a touchy subject because Romeo used to sleep with her before he met Julianna, who happens to be her sister. I thought they patched things up, but family gatherings are definitely awkward as hell. Although now that I know what I know about my mother and Andrew, I guess awkward relationships run in the family.

Bella continues, “Rosalind signed my name. I don’t know why. When I confronted her, she told me to thank her for saving my ass.”

Romeo rubs his face with his hands. “Fuck me. Okay, so you’re saying you closed on the Lansdale property with forged documents.”

Bella nods. I personally don’t see what the big deal is here. It’s not like she embezzled money. It was a fucking clerical error. What the fuck do the feds think they could do with that? “And he says that he can prosecute me for forgery and open an entire investigation and audit of the Angels real estate dealings because of it.”

“Unless...?” Romeo says, knowing what is coming next.

Bella sighs. “Unless I give them information on what happened to Victor.”

And there it is. They’re going to use a false signature to get us for murder.

“But you don’t know anything about Victor,” I say, because it’s not like we talk about that shit post-sex.

She bites her lip and refuses to look at me. “Julianna told you, didn’t she?” Romeo says.

Oh fuck. She knows? She knows what I’m capable of? And she’s still with me? There are too many thoughts going through my head right now.

Romeo and I share a look.

“What exactly do you know?” Romeo asks.

She still refuses to look at me. “I don’t know much. Just that you let it.” She manages to get it out and then finally looks me in the eye.

“First of all, thank you for telling us this, Bella. I appreciate it, and it makes our job much easier trying to fix it,” Romeo says.

I couldn’t agree more. I’m so proud that she came right to us and didn’t drag this out or make it worse by not telling us the truth.

“Second, is that why you brought us outside? In case Mark’s bugged your house?”

She nods. That’s my girl. Always thinking.

“Tell us more about this forgery situation,” I ask.

“There isn’t anything more. It’s never happened before. But I saw the signature. It looks nothing like mine and if anyone were to look closer, they’d see it.”

“You said any Callisto could’ve signed that paperwork. Why did Rosalind sign your name?” I ask, feeling like I’m missing a piece of the puzzle here.

She shrugs. “Why does Rosalind do anything? Because she can.”

“Does he have any evidence?” I ask, jaw tight as ever.

“The paperwork is public record. If it comes out the Angels will be audited, and while we run a clean business, you know not every business is a hundred percent clean, especially when there is an MC behind it. And besides that, it can jeopardize not only the Lansdale deal but all our pending transactions, like the property you wanted me to offer on for the new clubhouse. Agents in town will not want to work with us if we have a history of forgery,” she says, and I realize the full scope of this. This puts everything the Angels have built in jeopardy. “I’m so sorry that I’ve brought these problems to our doors. I honestly had no clue that he was a fed. And I know how stupid that makes me look.”

“Look, it’s not your fault. You had no control over the situation,” I quickly say, frowning. “And this Mark, he has bigger problems than finding Victor now. And I don’t want you alone here. Can’t you work from home? You can stay at the clubhouse.”

“Yeah, I suppose I can. I don’t think Julianna would care. Oh, Julianna!” She looks at Romeo. “I have to tell her, don’t I?”

Romeo nods. “Yeah, I can’t keep this from her. Not only is it club business, but it’s you. It’s Rosalind. She needs to know.”

“She’s going to be so disappointed in me.” She hangs her head.

“No, you did nothing wr—” I’m about to finish my sentence when Romeo gives me a glare, telling me to stop talking. He does blame her. I stand up and offer her my hand. “Come on, pack a bag. I’m taking you and Hades back with me.”

Hades tilts his head to the side, then gets up from his outdoor bed, as if agreeing with me.
