Page 34 of Love Betrayal

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“You could work with us for immunity,” he suggests, shrugging casually like the bastard hasn’t been planning this speech word for word. “All we need to know is who killed Victor Peterson.”

I pause, frowning. “I don’t know in what world you live in, but the Lansdale property and Victor have nothing to do with one another.”

“Yes, but it’s called leverage. Bella, I can put you away for a long time and do a thorough investigation into the Angels’ business dealings. However, I could look away, if you help us.”

“Look, let’s assume I know what you’re saying about the Lansdale property, which I do not. I don’t know what happened to Victor, so I don’t know how to help you,” I say with the confidence Julianna would have, but me? I’m shitting my pants. Why the fuck do I need to know that River killed Victor? Why did Julianna tell me that? I could’ve really been blissfully ignorant.

“Find out. Let me know, and your little forgery stint will fly under the rug,” he says, resting his arm on the steering wheel. I hate that it’s an attractive pose. Where was this guy when we were dating?

Focus, Bella. Mark is lying scum and wants to hurt you and your family.

Pursing my lips, I wonder how the hell I’m going to get out of this one. “So basically, you’re blackmailing me to do your job for you.”

And this is after he tricked me into thinking he loved me and wanted to marry me.


“Call it what you want. I’ll give you a week or so and then come speak to you. Hopefully you’ll have the information we need,” he replies without any emotion. With that he starts the car and takes me back to my car.

When we get to the parking lot, I open the door, but then pause and turn back to him. “Did you even get married to someone else, or was that a lie, too?”

He stays quiet, so I get out and slam the door, and get into my own car and drive home.

Shit, what should I do?

I decide my best way of dealing with this is to speak to River and Romeo, so they can come up with a plan with me. I should also include Julianna. I could not tell them and try to deal with this on my own, but I’ve watched enough movies and read enough books to know that just telling them will save me time and a shitload of unnecessary drama.

That’s the best thing to do, right?

Even if it means looking like an idiot.

Just fucking wonderful.

Chapter Fourteen


I don’t know how to feel when I’m told that Bella got into a man’s car in front of her workplace, but what I do is track down the car to see what the fuck this Mark is doing snooping around my woman. I wouldn’t peg Bella for a cheater, or a person with weak character, but you never know these days. Did she get sick of my shit and go back with her ex?

I know I need to let her in more, but it’s been really hard for me. Fuck.

Bella calls me but I’ll have to call her back, as I’m a little bit busy stalking her ex. The first red flag is when he stops at the police station. The second is when the cops greet him like they know him.


Is he a cop?

No, I don’t get those vibes from him. I send Jag a text with all the information I have on this Mark and ask him to do a background check. Fifteen minutes pass before I get a reply.

Jag: Not a cop, he’s a fed.

I have so many questions, and only one beautiful, potentially devious woman is going to be able to answer them.

Does she know he’s a fed? Is she working with them?

This would be just my fucking luck.

My phone buzzes with a text message from the devil herself.
