Page 95 of Decker's Dilemma

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I love who I am with him, I love how he treats me, and I love the idea of this new chapter in my life.

Chapter Thirty-Five


When Cara leaves, I show Arrow and Temper the evidence that Nadia and I found on Marko. Temper smirks, and he knows that we’ve won with this one.

“Do your gang members know that you were a police informant?” I ask Marko, who goes still. “Or are you still one?” He glances around to see if anyone can hear.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies, lifting his chin.

I show him the evidence—testimony court documents. “They might like to see this to show them who they are blindly following.”

Who knows when these photos were taken, but they show what type of man Marko is, or Marvin Keen, which is his birth name. As per my plan, I wanted Arrow and Temper here before I showed the evidence. There’s now no way for Marko to get out of this.

“They will kill me,” he whisper-yells. “What do you want? I will keep my word and leave the fucking Knights and Dragons alone. Whatever you want.”

I share a look with the two MC Presidents.

Arrow speaks first. “I want you off my territory.” He looks to Temper.

“I want the same. We don’t want you anywhere near us. Move your men and get the fuck out of here, or we will tear you down,” Temper agrees.

Marko opens his mouth, then closes it, gritting his teeth. “Okay, fine. You will never see us again. But do everything you can to bury that evidence, and it’s never to be spoken of again.”

We all agree. Arrow and Temper both shake my hands.

“You sure you don’t want to join the MC?” Temper asks me as we walk back to my car. “We could use someone like you. Fuck, anyone who is willing to fight a man that size and look like he might actually win would be an asset.”

I shake my head. “I appreciate the offer, but no thank you. I’m happy where I’m at right now.”

“Offer’s always open.”

I drive back to Clover’s, just processing everything that happened today. All that matters now is that Cara is safe, and we can maybe try getting into a normal routine. I’m looking forward to going back to work, and enjoying getting to know Cara in a less stressful setting.

I step into the house and hear Cara and Rhett having another chat in the living room.

I knew the situation I was getting myself into—that she was fresh from a break up—but knowing that she told him she loves him hurts me more than I thought it ever would. And now they are sitting there alone together, having another private conversation.

I slowly exit, get back in my car and drive home. Maybe she changed her mind and decided to be with him. Or maybe she loves us both. I don’t know if I can deal with that, though.

But at least she’s safe now.

* * *

I’m just getting out of the shower when I hear a banging at my door. I grab my gun just in case, but put it down when I look out the window and see Cara standing there, her cute face scrunched up in anger.

“What are you doing?” she asks when I open the door. She steps inside and closes it behind her.


“Why didn’t you come back to Clover’s house to see me? I was waiting for you,” she asks, shifting on her feet.

“I did come back. You were having a talk with Rhett, so I left you alone so you could have your privacy,” I admit, trying to keep my tone even.

“I was having a chat with him, yes, but so what? I was worried about you. I didn’t know why you stayed behind.”

“So, what? You told him that you love him before we went into the warehouse. That’s a little more than a ‘so what’,” I return, jaw clenching.
