Page 94 of Decker's Dilemma

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Talon walks over to Rhett, his stepson. “Come on, let’s get out of here before any shit goes down.”

“We’re just here to make sure you stick to your side of the deal, Marko, and that this beef is over,” Arrow says, crossing his arms over his chest. “And if it’s not, we’re here to start another one.”

Marko swallows hard. “My son was injured!”

“But he’s fine now, and we are happy to pay for the medical bills. Rhett is extremely sorry about what happened,” Arrow continues, looking over at Rhett. “And now he is injured, and he is an MC member’s son. Shouldn’t that be even?”

Marko nods slowly. “I suppose so.”

“Fucking wonderful,” Arrow replies, looking to Temper. “You getting your man out of the ring or we letting him fight anyway?”

Temper laughs and looks over at Decker. “My man? He’s dating one of yours.”

“Don’t all fight over me,” Decker calls out in a dry tone, stepping out of the ring and coming over to me.

I hold him tightly and say, “You know what? I think you would have won that.”

“I think so too,” he says, not a humble bone in his body. “But I’m glad I didn’t have to. You guys should get the fuck out of here before something else happens.”

“We? What about you?” I ask, brow furrowing.

“I want to stay back and make sure this is all over with,” he says, kissing me on the forehead. Felix and Decker share some words, and then Felix walks back over and tells us we should go.

“Should I stay with him?” I ask Felix, worried.

“Nah, he’s fine,” he assures me.

I see Temper head over to speak to Marko privately, and Decker joins them. I wonder what is going on. The Knights and Wind Dragons linger behind with Decker, while we get into our cars and head home.

“What’s going on?” I ask Clo as we drive off. “Why is Decker there talking to Marko?”

“I don’t know, but I think they have a plan to make sure it’s over and that we’re safe.” She pauses, and then adds, “I think Decker wants to know it’s definitely safe for you now. We should go and make sure Rhett is okay. Talon will have taken him back to our house.”

Sure enough, Talon and Rhett are sitting in their car, waiting for us to arrive home.

“You didn’t go to the hospital?” I ask Rhett when we both drive inside the gate and get out of the car. “You have a broken nose and God knows what else.”

“I’m fine,” he replies, tone curt.

“I’ll call my nurse friend to come here and see him if that’s okay, Clo. He refused to be taken to the hospital,” Talon explains, not sounding surprised about that fact. He probably does the same thing.

“Yeah, of course,” Clover replies, pulling her keys out. “Let’s get him inside.”

We help Rhett inside and sit him down on the couch. Clover gets him some water, and we both help him clean up his face.

“Yeah, someone is going to have to reset your nose,” I mutter.

He looks up at me, silently, for a few seconds before speaking. “He’s a good man.”

“I know,” I whisper. “But so are you.”

He laughs, and then flinches. “I don’t know, I probably would have left me there to suffer if I were in his shoes.”

I roll my eyes and he smiles sadly, and reaches out to touch my face. “As long as you’re happy, Cara.”

“I am. Now you get happy, too.”

This has to be one of the hardest moments of my life. But I need to be honest about what I want, and that happens to be Decker.
