Page 96 of Decker's Dilemma

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Her eyes widen and her face goes from anger to understanding in a second. “Decker—”

She said that to him. We haven’t even said that to each other yet, which is fine since it’s only been a short time we’ve been together, but still. If that didn’t make me feel put in my place, nothing will.

“I want to be with you, Cara. I’m crazy about you. I don’t care how fucking fast we have moved, or what people think about us. But I need you to feel the same way about me. If you still love Rhett, then what are we doing here?” I ask, my towel accidentally falling to the floor, ruining my whole dramatic speech.

I know that she tries not to look, but her eyes dart south, staring at my cock—which is hard, because of course it is with her in front of me. And yeah, maybe fighting with her makes me horny.

“My eyes are up here,” I say in a dry tone.

She steps forward. “I did tell Rhett I love him, and I do. I always will. But not in that way. I’m not in love with him. He will always be special to me as someone I have history with, and someone that I care for. But he’s not my future. You are. I told you this, and nothing has changed for me.”


“And you know what? The fact that you still protected me, and helped save him even after everything, shows me what kind of man you are.”

She reaches out to stroke my cock gently. “Do you think I’m stupid enough to let someone like you go? Someone who protects me, loves me, has the most amazing eyes, and body...” She glances down at me. “You are perfect, Decker. I don’t care what anyone thinks either. If you’ll have me, I’m yours.”

I reach out and grab her, pulling her closer and kissing her. “Of course I fucking want you,” I say against her lips. I lift her up and carry her back to my bedroom, throwing her on the black sheets and undressing her.

I don’t care if she will always love Rhett.

It shows the type of loving woman that she is.


She’s mine.

And that’s all that there is to it.


Six Months Later


Cara holds Sapphire in her arms as she reads her a story, then tucks her into her bed. We came to Clover and Felix’s house for dinner, and Cara offered to help Clover with Fire’s bedtime routine. There’s something about watching a woman with a baby or small child—or maybe it’s just Cara, because with any other woman I probably would have run.

But I could see her being the mother of my children. Watching her now makes the caveman side of me want to have her barefoot and pregnant.

“What?” she asks softly, noticing me staring at her.

“You just look good with a baby,” I say, licking my lips. “A little too good.”

She smirks. “Don’t worry, I feel the same way when I watch you with her.”


We leave the room and head back into the kitchen, where Clover and Felix are whispering shit to each other and laughing.

“Don’t mind us,” I comment.

Clover turns around and smiles. “As if you two can talk—you are the worst,” she replies, pouring us all a glass of red wine. “Now, Cara, tell us all about your new job.”

Cara started work at a local high school this week, and she moved straight in with me. I know it’s probably not the best idea, but we both don’t give a fuck. I wanted to be with her, and she with me, and it’s worked out perfectly. I love coming home to her, and she has made my house into a home.

She and Simone get on wonderfully, like I knew that they would, and we’ve been spending some time getting to know Con, too.

“Well, no one knows about my connection to a motorcycle club, so it’s pretty good. No one is scared to talk to me,” she says, grinning. “No, but it’s actually really nice. The kids are wonderful, and I’m really enjoying it. It’s been a nice change.”
