Page 93 of Decker's Dilemma

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Chapter Thirty-Four


“Your man has a death wish,” Clover whispers next to me, her eyes as wide as saucers. She’s been commentating this whole thing, and I can’t deal with her right now. “He has a good body, though. I hope Stalk doesn’t rip it up.”

I’m going to kill her.

“I know you said he’s a good fighter, but I’ve never even seen him fight,” I say to Felix, panicking.

“I’m confused as to what is going on right now. What happens if Decker’s nose or something gets broken? You jump in, and then what? I’ll have to hold Clover back and then we’ll probably get our asses kicked too.”

“Decker is going to be fine,” Felix says to me. “And no, the two of you won’t be getting into the ring. Calm down, Cara, it will be okay. Trust us.”


Decker made Rhett come back so I wouldn’t take the fall for him, but now Decker’s doing that himself. He’s helping someone he doesn’t even know—or let’s be real, like, because who likes someone’s ex? He has every reason to hate Rhett and to want to see him get hurt, but he doesn’t.

It’s clear that Decker has a good heart, and I love that about him, but right now, I’m stressing out.

Felix helps Rhett out of the ring, and I can tell he’s hurting and dealing with quite a few broken bones.

“Should we get him out of here?” Clover asks us.

“I don’t know if they will let us,” Felix replies, nodding to Marko’s horde.

“I’m fine,” Rhett lies, picking his T-shirt up and using it to stanch the blood from his nose. “Fucking fine.”

Decker and Stalk face each other, and Decker throws the first punch, nailing the guy in the stomach. The two of them start moving, and I can see that Decker is, in fact, a pretty badass fighter. He moves quickly and precisely, and although his opponent is much bigger, Decker is faster and more skilled.

He might be able to win this.

“He’s good,” Clover comments, nodding in appreciation. “I wish Mom was here, she’d love this shit.”

Decker lands a strong kick right into Stalk’s knee, and he falls down.


Decker really knows what he’s doing, and not that I’d ever admit it, but I’m low-key turned on by the whole thing.

When I see movement in the corner of my eye, I turn to see the Knights of Fury MC show up, stepping into the warehouse like they own the damn place.

What perfect timing.

“Looks like we’re just in time for the show,” a man calls out, taking in the scene before him.

“What show is this? Fucking Game of Thrones?” a light-haired man asks, staring at Stalk. “He’s massive. He should be fighting at least three men at the same time.”

“Crow.” Another man laughs.

Marko walks over to greet the first man who spoke, which makes me think he must be their president, Temper. “We had a deal, and I’m sticking to that.”

“I thought the deal was for you and Rhett to fight and make up. Why is Decker in there fighting a man three times his size?” Temper asks, scowling.

“And he’s winning,” Crow points out.

Temper is an intimidating man; I can see why no one would want to mess with him. In some ways, he reminds me a little of Uncle Arrow. Speaking of, I smile widely when my dad, Sin, Arrow, Tracker, Vinnie and Talon step inside behind the Knights. Dad’s eyes go straight to me, and I can see him sighing in relief.

I know exactly how he feels.
