Page 67 of Decker's Dilemma

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“Well, I’d say drop in whenever you want, but you have people after you, so maybe don’t,” she says as she stands up. “However, we can meet you at the clubhouse or something, if that works?”

“Fair, and that sounds good.”

“I’ll sort out this case—you get out of here,” she says. “Oh, and give Atlas a call. He’s at Fast & Fury waiting on his instructions for him, Aries and Diesel.”

“I will do. Thank you.”

“Any time.”

I leave the office and head home. When I sit on my bed, it still smells like Cara’s perfume. It distracts me as I send Felix a text, asking him where is he is.

Felix: Just leaving the station. You at home? I’ll drop in.

Me: Yep.

I’ve finished tidying my room and changing my bedsheets when he arrives, knocking loudly.

“Hey,” he greets when I open the door. He’s still in his detective uniform, and a little bit of me misses that uniform. “Cara with Clover?”

I nod. “Where do we want the MC members? I have to give them a call and tell them what the plan is.”

We sit down and come up with a plan, to have one of us and one of the Knights watching Cara at all times. Felix connects his home security to my phone too, so I know what’s happening there and can be on call to help if something goes down.

“What do you think they will do next?” I ask.

He leans back and stretches his arms out over the back of the couch. “If they know the Knights are also now involved, they would be stupid to keep targeting her, but I don’t know. They are bold. I think it’s only a matter of time. I know Clover can handle herself, but it’s scary knowing Sapphire is also there and something could go down.”

“That’s why we leave one of the Knights there keeping watch at all times. We won’t let anything happen to your girls, any of them,” I promise. “And if it gets worse, we get Fire out of there and to somewhere safe.”

He nods in agreement. “Yeah, we have a few safe spots we can leave her. I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that.”

“We’ve got this, brother. We’ve been through worse.”

His lip twitches. “I know. It’s just a whole different fucking ballgame when people you love are involved and could get hurt.”

“Not happening, Felix.”

“I hear Cara spent the morning here with you,” he says with a smirk, crossing his arms over his chest. “You want to talk about that?”

“No, I sure as hell do not,” I reply, mirroring his body language. “And I couldn’t even if I wanted to, because I have no idea. My plan right now is to keep her alive. I can worry about all the rest later.”

“I’m just saying—I’ve never seen you like this with a woman before. Any woman.”

“I know.”

He nods. “She’s a good woman, and I think the two of you make a beautiful couple.”

“Getting ahead of yourself—”

“Welcome to the Wind Dragons madhouse, Decker. Happy to have some company here.” He laughs, standing up and heading for the door. “You call the Knights, I’m going to go home and watch over the girls.”

He closes the door behind him and I’m left pondering his words. I send Simone a text.

Me: There’s some shit going down. Be careful. Don’t trust anyone. Call me if you need me. Better yet, why don’t you come and stay here?

Simone: What’s going on? I’m fine. I have Whitney. I’ll be careful.

Me: Make sure your cameras are on and everything is locked.
