Page 66 of Decker's Dilemma

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Clover winces, her eyes on her daughter, who is now sitting on the floor playing with her toys. “Yeah, I don’t know about that one. I mean, you don’t want her dragged into this bullshit, too. I don’t think she would be able to fight off two grown men like you did.”

Clover is right. I don’t want Con to be tied into any of this, and I don’t want to see her get hurt. It’s safer for her if she’s not seen with me in public at all.

Cara: Hey, things are a little hectic here right now. Do you mind if we make it next week or so?

Con: No problem. Hope things are okay?”

Cara: I’m fine, just haven’t been feeling that great.

I mean, technically not a lie.

Con: I hope you feel better.

Yeah, me too.

Chapter Twenty-Three


After dropping Cara back home, I head into my office to finish up some of the last cases I’ll be working on until all of this drama is over.

Nadia comes in and I get up to give her a big hug. “I owe you one.”

“For what?” she asks, looking up at me suspiciously.

“What do you mean for what? You talked the MC into helping Cara. You are literally the best friend a guy could ask for.”

She pauses. “Did you ever think they’re doing it for you? You’ve helped them out in the past, and they consider you a friend. Why wouldn’t they help you? Trust me, I didn’t even have to beg them. I just mentioned it, and they took it from there.”


She nods and steps around me to head to her desk. “Nice that you think I have that much pull, though.”

“Well, Trade does, and he’d do anything for you, so...”

“That is true, but this time I didn’t have to do any convincing. You helped me in finding their bad apple and getting Ariel’s murderer, so as they see it, they owe you multiple favors,” she says, opening up her laptop.

That was the case that really opened my eyes to how frustrated I was at being a cop. Nadia and I knew the man convicted of Ariel’s murder was innocent, but no one would listen because he had been convicted of other crimes before. But we found the guy who had really done it, and he had been sitting under everyone’s noses.

“What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were taking some time off to look after Cara,” she says, looking at me over the screen.

“I wanted to tie up some loose ends. I still have one case that I haven’t wrapped up.”

“Send me the information, I’ll handle it,” she offers, shrugging. “No big deal. And we won’t take any new cases until we both have the time to invest in them.”

“Is this the perk of having two incomes?” I tease.

She pauses and then laughs. “Why yes, yes it is. And because I now own the space, I don’t have to worry about being kicked out if I don’t pay rent.”

I sit down and send her the case details. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

“Any time,” she replies with a smile. “You’d do it for me, and besides, who am I to stand in the way of true love?”

“And to think you were doing so well at not being annoying,” I grumble.

“Not ready to hear the L word?” she presses, amusement dancing in her brown eyes. “Am I making you feel uncomfortable, Decker? I’ll never understand men. They are too scared to say they are in love with someone, but would take a bullet for that same person without thinking.”

“Maybe dying is a better alternative,” I joke. “She wants to meet you, by the way.”
