Page 68 of Decker's Dilemma

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Simone: Always.

She’s so stubborn. The world could be coming to an end and she’d still tell me that she’s fine. But you know what? I believe it. Simone is one of the strongest women I’ve ever known. She fits in well with Cara and Clover. She might not be a badass martial artist, but she’s smart and emotionally unbreakable. And she’s right, Whitney is a good guard dog.

I send Cara a text to check in with her.

Me: You all good?

She replies instantly.

Cara: Yeah, I’m fine.

Me: Okay, good, just checking.

Cara: Something goes down you will know it.

I miss her. I want to tell her that, but I don’t.

Me: I’ll be over soon.

Cara: Okay. Bring some food.

I laugh at her message and reply, asking her what she wants. Damn, I’ll drive all over the city to get her exactly what she wants if I have to.

It’s in this moment I know that I am truly in trouble.

I finish cleaning up, call up Atlas and tell him the plan, and for them to make a roster to take turns. I grab my gun and then drive off to buy food for Cara, Clover, Felix, Sapphire and myself. I know what would have happened if I showed up without food for Clover too, and I’m not that stupid.

When I show up with the burgers Cara requested, her smile is so worth it.

“Thank you.” She beams, taking one of the bags from me. “I’m starving.”

Clover appears like she smelled the food and sighs happily when I hand her the other bag. “You get my tick of approval for this act alone.”

We sit down at the table and eat. Felix comes out of the shower and joins us. “You spoke to the Knights?”

I nod. “Atlas will be here tonight for the night watch, and then they will take turns. So we have backup, and from now on someone will go with Cara whenever she leaves the house, and someone will always be back here to make sure Clover and Fire are safe, too.”

I watch Cara eating and enjoying every single bite, doing a little happy dance, and I make note to always bring her food whenever she wants it, because she’s never looked happier and more in her element.

She has just swallowed her last bite when we hear gunshots go off, glass shattering.

“Get under the table!” I call to everyone, while I grab my gun and run to the front with Felix at my side.

A car speeds off, tires screeching behind them. We step outside and take in the damage. Multiple bullets have completely shattered the glass window, and tire tracks are left on the lawn. The men had run up to the gate and shot from between the gaps. They couldn’t make it in here, but they obviously found a loophole, literally.

“Let’s see if we can get their license plate number from the security footage,” Felix suggests, jaw going tight. “Those bastards are lucky no one got hurt.”

“They are telling us that they know where she is,” I reply, looking him in the eye. “It’s a warning. I think we need to stop sitting around and waiting for them to make the moves. We need to take this into our own hands.”

Felix might still have a badge, but I don’t.

And I’ll do whatever I need to do to protect Cara.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I’m still holding on to Clover and Fire when Atlas walks in. “Looks like I missed all the fun.”
