Page 65 of Decker's Dilemma

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He’s...something else.

He’s perfect, even with all of his flaws, and his cocky attitude and his history for sleeping with God only knows how many women.

He’s still perfect to me.

“I don’t care about anyone else’s compliments, Cara. Just yours alone will get me through the night.” He puts the rest of his food aside and cuddles up to me. “I feel...happy.”

The way he says it makes it sound like it’s a foreign feeling to him. “Lots of sex will do that to you.”

But we both know it’s not just that.

He’s had lots of sex before, but sex with emotion is a whole different ballgame.

“Yeah, with you,” he replies quietly, then stands up in all of his naked glory. “I’m going to have a shower—do you want to join me?”

“I’d love to,” I reply, checking him out as he disappears into the bathroom.

We are playing a very dangerous game here. I know it, and I know he does.

We just don’t care anymore.

And that’s what makes it even more terrifying.

* * *

“Well, if it isn’t Little Miss Hussy,” Clover drawls as soon as I step back into her living room.

I smile and sit down across from her. “I know, I shouldn’t have gone...but I wanted to and I don’t regret it, and I’m in a good mood because I spent all day having hot sex. And I was safe.”

“You mean sexually safe, or safe from the people who potentially want to kill you in revenge for what your ex-boyfriend did?”

I pause. “Both.”

“Then you better have been having hot sex, because you literally chose Decker’s penis over your own life.”

I roll my eyes. “You are so dramatic.” Fire comes over to cuddle me. “Hello, my gorgeous girl.”

“Don’t kiss her, we know where your mouth has been,” Clover mutters under her breath, unable to keep a straight face. “Are you going to tell me all about it or not?”

“Are you going to keep giving me shit or not?” I reply, arching my brow.

“I’m sorry, but I want you to be safe. I was having high anxiety thinking about you getting railed and not paying attention and someone taking advantage of that and shooting you or something.”

“You were thinking about me getting railed?” I ask, covering Fire’s ears.

Clover laughs and shrugs. “You know what I mean. So no regrets, huh?”


“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you like this,” she confesses quietly. She shrugs, tucking her dark hair back behind her ear. “Like you’re living again. Like you’re happy. Present. Living your best life. Look at you; you can’t stop smiling.”

“I feel happy,” I agree, ducking my face. “Maybe it’s selfish, I don’t know, but I like him.”

My phone chimes with a text from Con, who I’ve been in contact with pretty much every day since I saw her.

Con: When are you free this week? Want to go out for dinner and a movie or something?

“How do I explain to Con that I can’t go out to play right now because people are trying to kidnap me as revenge for something my biker ex-boyfriend did?” I ask out loud. I don’t want Con to feel like I’m blowing her off. I do want to get to know her, but the timing is just really bad.
