Page 9 of Enforced

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I took the last two steps and walked across the oak floorboards with her trailing cautiously behind. “No surprises up here,” I said, waving my hand to each section from right to left. “Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge room, and a balcony to capture the sea views.”

“I bet the views are incredible,” she said faintly.

I smiled. I had to give her props for dredging up interest in my home after my warning that probably still rang in her ears. “They are,” I conceded. I swept my hand toward the short hallway behind the dining room. “Down the hallway to the left is my master bedroom. My office is at the end. To the right are two guest bedrooms, each with their own bathroom.”

It’d been a stupid idea to have guest bedrooms when I never had visitors, but the mercenary side of me liked the idea of a hefty resale value if I ever decided to give up my dream home.

“Which guest bedroom will I be staying in?”

I snorted. Did she think she was here for a relaxing sojourn? “You’ll be staying in the master bedroom with me, Tilly, where I can keep you close at all times.”

I mightn’t have yet broken her body into little pieces, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t break her spirit. A part of me savored the idea.

Chapter Five


Valentino was making it more than apparent I wasn’t a welcome guest inside his fancy home. I was an intruder, as about as welcome as a fox inside a henhouse. He’d only brought me here so he could use me and abuse me, and then he’d—

A shiver snaked down my spine. I didn’t want to think about what he’d do next. I couldn’t go down that path. I still had hope I’d find a way to escape from him. The only thing I could be grateful for was that he wasn’t giving me back to Sean.

How do you know that with any real certainty?

“This way,” he said, leading me around a handcrafted dining table with trumpet shaped legs and through the lounge room where a three-seater gray sofa and matching armchairs faced a huge flat screen television. Then he unlocked the huge glass sliding door before we stepped out onto the balcony.

My breath caught at the horizon that was the ocean, the sun sliding behind it and leaving orange-gold reflections in the water. Waves broke and foamed on the shore in a continuous roar, a faint spray of saltwater lingering in the air.

He stepped behind me and clasped my shoulders. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

I stiffened, caught somewhere between alarmed and turned on. “It is.”

He dropped one of his hands under my skirt and cupped my sex. “Not a soul in sight,” he said softly before he thumbed my clit and rotated the plump button. “You could scream out my name and no one would hear you.”

I moaned a little, hating him yet desiring his touch with quiet desperation. “You’d have to make me orgasm first,” I challenged in a croaky voice.

He chuckled darkly, his thumb pressing harder on my clit. “It’s not just an orgasm that would make you scream.”

I sucked in an unsteady breath. “Are you going to kill me?”

“Not yet, my little Tilly.”

My tension didn’t melt away, if anything it intensified. But not because I might only have hours, days or even weeks before he stopped my heart from beating. In that moment I only wanted to experience overwhelming pleasure. It was crazy to feel that way about my future killer, but I’d lived in the shadow of death for so long now it was beginning to lose its scare factor.

I was one of eight billion or so people on this planet, my death wouldn’t even be a blip gone missing on the radar. Not even my family would care, not since they sold me out to the Irish don, Sean. They were probably happily spending the money he’d given them before he’d taken me away.

As the youngest of three sisters, I’d sensed my two siblings had been envious that Sean had had eyes only for me. My parents might have been vocal at first, pleading for Sean to leave me alone, but the moment he’d thrown them a wad of money, their eyes had widened and their pleas had gone silent.

They’d accepted his money with shaking hands and they’d turned away from me even as I’d begged them not to let him take me.

I’d been sold to the devil.

My sisters had no idea how lucky they’d been.

“Turn around,” Valentino commanded.

I did what he asked, allowing him to believe I was an obedient little captive. Then he kneed before me, and I knew he was about to worship me with his lips and tongue. And suddenly I was shamelessly, brazenly obedient. “Spread your legs,” he commanded.

My body heated even before I did as he asked and he spread my outer lips apart. As he put his opened mouth on my pink flesh, his beard prickling my sensitive flesh, I cried out then moaned as he licked my slit and sucked on my clit, electricity sparkling through my nerve endings.
