Page 8 of Enforced

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“Let him try,” I interjected harshly.

Didn’t she realize I was the biggest monster of them all? I had more blood on my hands than Sean had had dinners.

She blinked. “Who the hell are you?”

Your worst nightmare.

I shrugged. “You’re better off not knowing.”

She slumped a little in her seat. “Better off before or after you kill me?”

I chose not to answer as I turned into the concrete driveway of my double-storied glass and steel home, where the heady, sweet scent of frangipani competed with the briny, salt air fluttering the fronds of a dozen palm trees. Then my garage door rolled up and I coasted the jeep inside before the door rolled back down behind us, blocking any further stimulus.

I killed the engine as automated downlights flicked on and shone brightly on the ground floor garage. I unclipped her seatbelt and then my own. “Allow me to take you on a tour of my home.”

She nodded stiffly before she pushed open her door and climbed out of my jeep, her skirt riding up and showing a glimpse of her ass. My mouth watered at the sudden visual I had of bending her over the hood of my jeep and exposing her bared pussy, then thrusting deep inside her from behind.

My breath hissed as my dick inflated to bursting-point. Son of a bitch. It was taking every bit of my willpower just to be in her vicinity without fucking her. But I knew the wait would be worth it. There was something to be said about denying what I wanted most before I took it.

I escorted her through the garage, nodding at inbuilt cupboards either side of my jeep. “There are enough explosives surrounding us to kill any number of enemies who’d be stupid enough to break and enter.”

She blinked at me. “Killing us too?”

I shook my head. “My home is reinforced, rock-solid. The explosions would barely shake the foundation, leaving us unscathed on the floor above.”

She rubbed her brow as I opened the single door of the garage that opened into the large, open ground floor area. Dropping her hand, she asked, “So you’re expecting trouble, then?”

I ushered her onto the blue-veined, polished concrete floor. She paused, her mouth opening at the lap pool in front of her, along with the workout area at one end, which included my home gym, a well-used boxing bag, a treadmill, weight bench, a couple of sets of dumbbells and a rowing machine.

She cleared her throat. “I see you like to keep fit.”

I nodded. “If someone wants to take me out, I won’t make it easy for them.”

“No amount of muscle will stop a bullet.”

“True. But I like to think my honed reflexes will see me fire the bullet first.” I twisted my lips at her in a parody of a smile. “It’s kept me alive this long.”

I clasped her elbow and drew her with me toward the internal, metal spiral staircase in the corner of the room. “Let me show you around upstairs.” She didn’t resist and I smiled as her heels rang out like castanets on the steps as she hurried in front of me.

I bit back a groan as her ass peeked out from her skirt like an invitation, her pussy ripe for the taking. If I didn’t take her soon I’d internally combust. I glanced a little higher, focusing on her long ponytail. I’d hold it while I fucked her hard, then I’d release it so that it spilled down her back while I spilled inside her.

I cleared my throat and resisted wiping off a bead of sweat from my brow. “If you want to be silent, I suggest going barefooted.”

“Thanks for the tip.”

I clasped her arm, stopping her on the top step while I was on the one below her. I was still half a head taller and had to bend to murmur close to her ear. “Just so you know, if you did dare to run from me, and I caught you, I can’t tell you what I might do with adrenaline from the hunt overtaking my logic.”

She glowered. “Intimidation doesn’t work well on me.”

“You think that was intimidation?” I cracked out a mocking laugh. “Sweetheart, you have a lot to learn.”

“Fuck. You,” she bit out, lifting a hand and swinging it toward my face.

I easily caught it, then pressed her palm against my huge erection. “You must have read my mind,” I said hoarsely. “But first, I believe I mentioned giving you a tour of my home.”

She snatched her hand free, then crossed her arms with her hands under her armpits. I smirked. Like that would keep her safe!

“I believe you did,” she finally conceded.
