Page 10 of Enforced

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Holy fuck. He was turning me into jelly, my body trembling and my knees weak. I pressed my hands into his hair and clung on, the visual of his mouth on me almost as thrilling as what his suctioning mouth and clever tongue was doing to my body.

Then he pushed a finger deep inside me and curled his finger around, touching a part of me that sent shockwaves straight to my core before shooting me into an orgasm that made me scream loud and long.

I was only glad his name hadn’t blasted from my lips.

He drew back his head and licked his wet lips, his eyes glinting as he looked up at me. Then he stood and I lifted my head to hold his stare, waiting for him to command me to suck him in return. When he didn’t I blinked up at him, caught between relief and disappointment. He was like a mountain looming over me, his very presence taking away my breath, my willpower.

He licked his lips again and smiled, though his eyes held little warmth. “I’ll have to work on you saying my name.”

I pushed the hem of my skirt down, though there was little point in doing so. He’d seen and tasted me intimately. I could strip naked and he’d probably be no more aroused than normal.

Normal for him seemed to be three intimate sessions in a day.

Perhaps I should have worn sweatpants and a jacket.

He stretched a little, his bared abs showcasing a six pack, the skin revealing an intricate pattern of dark ink that continued under his shirt. “You must be hungry?” At my nod he said, “Go take a shower. I’ll cook dinner.”

I arched a brow. “You cook?”

He smirked. “Do you see any live-in chefs?” His smile cooled a little. “I do have a team of cleaners come in once a week, but don’t go getting ideas and ask them for help, they know better.”

“Of course they do,” I said bitterly. “They probably value their lives too much to disobey.”

“Actually, they value their very big pay check too much to disobey.”

I could only imagine how much they were paid to keep his house clean and his private life, private. I cleared my throat. “I might go have that shower,” I muttered. “Do you mind if I use one of the guest bathrooms?”

“I do mind. You’ll share my shower along with my bed. You’ll find a bathrobe hanging near the towel rails.”

“Right.” I stalked away from him, only for him to catch my arm. I looked back at him and bit out, “Yes?”

“Don’t I get a kiss before you go?”

My muscles tensed even as I squirmed imagining his lips on mine after he’d been sampling me like a buffet. “Do I have a choice?”

His eyes glinted. “We all have choices.”

“I guess we do,” I said softly. Then I pivoted around and stood on tiptoe, my arms lacing around his thick neck before I pressed my mouth to his. Oh, fuck. His lips pillowed mine even as his abrasive beard inflamed my senses into wanting more.

He deepened the kiss and I tasted an intimate, musky citrus tang that was all mine. A shiver centered in my core, and I moaned against his mouth before jerking my head back. “Satisfied?” I croaked.

“Not yet,” he growled softly. Pulling my hips close so that the impressive length of his cock molded against my belly, I gasped audibly, left weak-kneed by the size of his erection. Would he even fit inside me? He winked, then added hoarsely, “You’d best go have that shower before I forget why you’re here.”

His reminder made me step back from him with a glower. If I’d still been a virgin I would have ran screaming for the hills.

He smirked as my arms fell to my sides. When he stalked into the kitchen, I was left with little choice but to do as he asked. My lip curled. He’d said we all had choices. What if my choice was to not have a shower and instead find a way to escape?

With Valentino already busy preparing dinner, I slipped past his bedroom and silently opened the door to his study. If there was any means of escape, I’d likely find it in here. Stepping off oak floorboards and onto soft gray carpet, I shut the door behind me, my mouth falling open.

A bank of monitors on one wall showcased the exterior and much of the interior of his home, the lights beside each one flashing green. No doubt they’d flash red and sound an alarm if there was any suspicious activity.

Though on one hand I felt safe knowing no one could get inside without alarms blaring, on the other hand I slumped as my adrenaline faded to the realization there was no escape. Not from here.

Then my focus moved to the big oak desk opposite the door. I’d bet inside its drawers I’d find keys or a remote control, perhaps even a way to turn off the alarms.

“What did I tell you about trying to run away?”

I spun around, my heart in my throat as Valentino loomed behind me, his eyes even darker than his voice. I swallowed convulsively. “I-I thought this was your bedroom.”
