Page 7 of Enforced

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I might have orgasmed all over again.

“Next time I’ll be sticking my tongue inside you and sucking your clit before you orgasm.” His eyes turned heated and intense. “Before you suck me in return.”

Sean had requested that from me too, except he’d rarely bothered pleasuring me first. His pleasure had always been of the utmost priority. I’d secretly hated blowing him. So why did I get the feeling I’d enjoy doing it to Valentino?

The car slowed then and I looked out the side window to see the driver was pulling off the road to park beside a black jeep. We were outside of town, with nothing but trees and shrubs and spreading darkness.

The driver climbed out and opened our door. When Valentino climbed out, I had no choice but to follow him—no doubt leaving a wet spot on the seat behind me—my heels sinking into the sandy ground. Fresh air tinged with a lemon and eucalyptus scent fluttered my hair, and I touched my ponytail, surprised to find it was still mostly tied back.

I glanced at Valentino, almost flinching to find his gaze already on me.

His smile was twisted, his eyes full of promise. “I’ll release your hair…later,” he said huskily.

I glared, though my womb clenched at what else he’d likely be doing to me. “Perhaps you’ll release all of me?”

His bark of laughter made my nipples pucker, my ears feasting on the sound. He shook his head. “That won’t be happening.” He gestured to the jeep, his driver standing beside the now opened front passenger door. “Get in.”

I lifted my chin, my eyes burning with challenge. But if I was hoping for some kind of give from him, there was none forthcoming. Valentino was about as stoic and unyielding as a person could get. “Fine,” I muttered, turning then to climb into the jeep.

The strangled snort of the driver made me aware I’d flashed him even before Valentino pushed the door shut with a loud crack behind me. I looked straight ahead as I clicked on my seatbelt, my peripheral vision noting him getting up close to the driver to say something in his ear.

I was learning Valentino could get a little territorial. Clearly the possessive gene ran strong in the mafia men, it didn’t seem to matter whether they were Italian or Irish.

Or maybe it was just me? Powerful men seemed to want me, to own me. Whether I liked it or not didn’t matter.

I despised Sean, I didn’t need a master’s degree to know I’d hate Valentino just as intensely.

The two men might as well be peas from the same pod.

Chapter Four


I swung into the driver’s seat of my jeep aware I was getting too obsessed when it came to Chantilly. I couldn’t blame Alessio for staring at her exposed flesh as she’d climbed into the jeep.

It wasn’t as if I’d looked the other way.

I fired up the engine, then accelerated onto the highway. Alessio might often be my driver when I was on an assignment, but he was still a hot-blooded Italian man.

That we often shared pussy no longer mattered. He knew now my hostage was off limits. He wouldn’t dare touch her, not unless he was willing to lose a hand and perhaps a testicle or two.

That my blood pulsed like lava through my veins while my dick was a crowbar in my pants was proof that Chantilly was a goddess. I’d need to fuck her as many times as it took to get her out of my system so that I could get on with my assignment.

Normally it was a privilege to get under the Irish don’s skin in any way possible. Sending bits of Tilly’s body parts to him should have made my day. Instead I was getting too personally involved in the woman Sean wanted. The woman I had to eliminate.

I expelled a harsh breath, then inhaled the briny air that infiltrated the jeep as I drove toward the coastline where my home sat on a sandy embankment facing the sea. A few mansions dotted the side of the road, their interior lights switched on to counteract the approaching night.

Then the long stretch of road and beach was all that could be seen. I’d bought the five mile frontage of beachside land when it’d been laughably cheap. It was my best investment to date. That it also safeguarded my privacy was priceless.

I bit back yet another sigh, my fingers clenching the jeep’s steering wheel. There was a good reason I’d never brought a woman here—let alone one who was my mark. Solitude was everything in my line of work, I knew better than to get close to a woman…to anyone.

“This is where you live?” she asked. When I didn’t answer, she bit her bottom lip and added in a small voice, “I guess me not being blindfolded can only mean one thing.”

My knuckles whitened. She clearly knew the methods of the mafia, had no doubt witnessed enough murders to know when hers was imminent.

I focused on the road ahead, on my land that centered me. Too bad it didn’t now. I experienced a disorientation that rattled me to my bones. I should have taken Chantilly elsewhere. This was hallowed ground. My sanctuary that allowed me to destress and reset.

She turned in the seat to face me. “What if Sean finds me here? I’m not sure you realize what kind of a monster he really is. He’d gladly torture then kill us both—“
