Page 6 of Enforced

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I shuffled across the backseat as Valentino slid in beside me before I asked, “So you’re not here doing Sean’s bidding?”

Valentino’s dark eyes crinkled. “No, quite the contrary.”

I frowned. What exactly did he mean by that? My skin prickled and my stomach churned, my senses going into overdrive as I suddenly comprehended I’d escaped from one dark lair only to be trapped in another.

“Relax,” Valentino murmured as the driver pulled the sedan out onto the road. “You’re safe.”

For now.

He didn’t need to utter those two words for me to be aware of them. I only wish I knew what he wanted from me. Really wanted. The attraction between us might keep me alive for a short time, but I wasn’t stupid enough to believe he’d pull out all stops to keep me that way once he’d had enough of me.

“Come here,” he ordered.

I turned my head to glare. “I’m not your puppet.”

He reached out and curled a hand around the back of my neck, his palm warm and his fingers rigid. It’d take little effort for him to increase the pressure, then wrench my neck and break it.

“I’m keeping you alive,” he reminded softly. “If you want to stay that way you’ll do everything I say.”

I was suddenly breathless; my heart banging against my ribs as something between longing and fear all but overcame me. He smiled as he lowered his head, his lips brushing across mine and his beard scraping my jaw.

“Now spread your legs for me,” he commanded, his minty, dark spiced breath tickling my face.

I fidgeted in my seat and closed my eyes with an unsteady sigh. Was he really going to do this—with his driver aware of everything? But of course he was, this kind of practice would be commonplace to men like him.

I should know.

Then I heard a whirr and I opened my eyes to a dark glass divider sliding down, giving us complete privacy.

“Now, Chantilly.”

Valentino spoke my name with such dominant authority that my legs parted almost on their own volition, inviting his touch. My bare pussy beneath reminded me that I’d wanted to seduce him. That he’d turned it around and was seducing me instead hadn’t factored into my plans.

I wanted to be in charge of my destiny, but he was quickly taking that away—

I jumped as his fingertips brushed along my seam, his thumb then pressing down on my clit. I moaned, then swallowed convulsively at the heat blasting through my nerve endings.

I hadn’t even been half this aroused when William had touched my body. So why was I so attracted to this man? Was it because he screamed danger like the men I’d grown used to? Had William been just too ordinary for me?

Did I crave the dark rush that someone like Valentino gave me?

He rotated my bundle of nerves and I writhed beneath his deft touch, wetness flooding my core and my flashes fluttering closed.

Yes, I most definitely did.

“Look at me, Tilly,” he commanded.

Tilly? But I was too overcome by his sexual prowess to think on the shortened name he’d given me, one that sounded so perfectly right on his lips. I opened my eyes, his stare holding mine, penetrating into them as though he was reading my every thought, my every desire.

“I’ll give you the orgasm you crave if you promise me you won’t try to escape.”

Was he kidding? I would have jumped off a cliff if he’d asked, anything for the release I so desperately needed. He stopped massaging, his hand instead cupping my sex while he waiting for my compliance.

I swallowed hard. “Yes,” I whispered. In that moment I meant every word.

His smile was filled with hard satisfaction. “Good answer.”

Then he slid a finger deep inside me while his thumb mercilessly rubbed my plump clit with a skill that took my breath away. Seconds later I was convulsing with orgasm, my short, sharp scream turning into a whimper as he withdrew his hand then sucked my taste off his fingers.
