Page 24 of Enforced

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No, she wouldn’t dare. She knew better. She valued her life too much.

A pity I’d be the one who ended it for her. But it was better me doing the deed than that piece of shit don, Sean. The Irish mafia was scum who exploited anything with a pulse. At least my don had some pride in his business and didn’t involve anyone underage in his shady dealings.

A pulse flickered into life at my jaw. How old had Tilly been when Sean had bought her? I mightn’t have found that information in my research, but I’d bet every dollar I had she hadn’t yet turned eighteen.

Chantilly flicked back her hair, her eyes flashing. “A please would be nice.”

I almost laughed. She knew how to distract me and push my buttons. That it made me harder was just a bonus. “Please, my little Tilly, suck me into your mouth until I’m at the back of your throat.”

Her eyes flashed, as though she couldn’t quite believe I’d capitulated. What she didn’t know was that I’d give into her a lot more if it meant having her yield to my every sexual need.

Her warm, wet lips wrapped around the head of my dick and I shuddered as hot sparkles of electricity speared through me. Fuck! She hadn’t even taken half of me into her mouth and already my balls tingled and lifted, ready to ejaculate.

Then she sucked me deeper and I was moaning like a schoolboy, my whole body heating up while sinking into a quagmire of lust. She was going to be the death of me long before her expiry. I pushed my fingers through her hair and pressed into her mouth deeper, no doubt cutting off her air supply.

I withdrew a little, then pushed back into her mouth, my shaft pillowed by her plump lips as though they were made especially for the job. That she sucked me like a Popsicle made my own breath cut off.

Pleasure bordered on pain as I forced myself not to come.

“Stop!” I finally commanded, my voice harder than my dick.

She released me and looked up, blinking her dark eyes up at me in confusion.

“Stand up and turn around, and lean on the railing.”

She pushed to her feet, her nipples sharp little points I wanted to bite then lick. And I would…later. Then she twisted around, her back facing me as she leaned on her arms against the balcony railing, her tied back hair floating almost down to her ass that was the shape of a heart. I growled, almost losing my own heart to her. She was fucking perfection.

I stepped behind her and one-handed my cock to direct it between her wet pussy lips. I didn’t muck around. I drove deep inside her. She whimpered at my invasion and I bit back a groan. Her inner muscles enveloped me in a tight fist. There was no chance I’d stop now.

Gripping her hip with one hand and fisting her hair with the other, I thrust mercilessly inside her. That her whimpers soon turned into mewls of pleasure only made me fuck her harder.

I was slicked with sweat—we both were—when she began counterthrusting against me. Son of a bitch. I wasn’t going to last a minute longer. Tugging even harder on her hair, I released her hip to reach between her legs and pinch her clit. She gasped and jerked, so close to orgasm I could almost taste it. I massaged the sting away, then pressed hard on her sensitive button.

She shattered with an incoherent squeal, her inner muscles clamping and releasing. I hung onto her hair like a jockey as my seed was all but forced out of me in great spurts, the world around me flashing vivid white. How could a man like me be in heaven? Then I was back on Earth and slumping over the woman who was all but digging my heart out of my chest, then stomping on it for good measure.

Her hair now drifting down the front of her neck, I kissed her exposed nape, smiling as she shivered and goosebumps cascaded down her spine. I’d been rough but she’d enjoyed it as much as I had.

A deep feeling of sadness and regret, and something else I couldn’t quite define suddenly overcame me. We could have been perfect together.

I withdrew from her and instantly wished we were still joined. Steeling my spine, I stepped away from her and said dismissively, “Go have that shower.”

I needed her to hate me, to feel dismissed after such intense lovemaking. There would be no positive outcome for either one of us if we allowed feelings to get in the way.

She straightened and, without once looking at me or retrieving her clothes, she marched back inside the house.

Sudden, inexplicable anger poured through me, my iron will disintegrating just like the crystal flutes and dip bowl that I slammed off the table and onto the patio floor in an explosive fit.

My growl of frustration reverberated through the air even as glass shards and food crunched underfoot as I left the balcony and its mess behind, shoving the sliding door shut behind me. My cleaners would be here early tomorrow, they could deal with the aftermath. I paid them more than enough for the inconvenience.

One thing was for certain, I couldn’t stay here tonight. I needed to clear my head. I headed to my study and unlocked my safe, retrieving my favorite firearms and knife once again.

There was no time like the present to rid the world of my next target and give myself the release I needed. I lived for the rush of knowing I’d eliminated another vile felon from the world, one more evildoer without a conscience.

That I had no conscience ridding these people was neither here nor there. I believed in what I did and that was all that mattered. That my mafia family and I danced in the shadows of that same world was the smallest niggle at the back of my mind.

Chantilly might condemn me for it, but she wasn’t my judge and juror, she never would be.

Pushing the button on my chain to set the alarm, I left my house to the sound of the shower running in the background.
