Page 23 of Enforced

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Of course it wasn’t. I was expected to answer everything truthfully while he got to avoid answering anything he wanted.

I wrapped some pastrami around an olive and stuck it in my mouth. The salty flavor barely registered as I chewed and swallowed. “If it’s okay with you,” I said frostily, “I might shower and get some sleep.”

He cocked a brow. “Five hours wasn’t enough for you today?”

I blinked. He couldn’t seriously have been monitoring me the entire time, could he? “Did you enjoy watching me?”

He smirked. “I did. Your purity and innocence was intoxicating.”

I bristled. “If it’s so intoxicating, then maybe you should consider keeping me alive?”

His smirk faded. “That’s a hard no. I do what I’m asked and have never failed a task. My credibility depends on it.”

I pushed my chair back, my anger rising. “Aren’t you a good little lapdog?”

He stuck out an arm, and short of trying to break it by storming past, I had no choice but to pause. His stare held mine. “This is your first and last warning,” he said softly, but with such dangerous undercurrents my stomach clenched and my throat convulsed. “You will never disrespect me again.”

I bristled at his command, but nodded stiffly. There was a time and place to pick my battles, and this definitely wasn’t one. It wasn’t until he stood, towering over me, that I looked away, my fight or flight instinct kicking in.

I no longer wanted to argue, but oh, how I wanted to run!

“Look at me,” he commanded.

I swallowed hard, then lifted my head, my stare colliding with his. “I’m tired,” I reminded him.

“And I’m painfully erect.”

I dropped my gaze to the thick wedge tenting his pants, a nervous exhale leaving my throat even before he clasped my chin and brought my stare back up to meet his.

“Take off your clothes,” he said huskily.

I wrenched my chin out of his clasp. “Go fuck yourself!” I gritted.

He stepped closer, his big body pressed against mine. “Get. Undressed.”

I wanted to fight and scream and punch and bite, but I also wanted to do exactly what he asked and be pleasured all over again. Hadn’t I told myself I’d make him need me so that he’d put off his assignment? At least for as long as it took for me to escape.

I pulled my olive-green shirt over my head and tossed it aside, then pulled down my white shorts and stepped out of them.

He smiled, his teeth gleaming white against his dark beard with its flecks of gray. “Now take off your bra and panties,” he instructed.

Excitement and arousal once again warred with defiant anger, my whole body trembling as I did what he asked then stood in front of him with my shoulders back and my head high. That my nipples puckered was thanks to the crisp breeze that took away the dying sun’s last warmth, not because I was so damn aroused sticky moisture gathered between my thighs.

“Touch me,” he growled. “Feel what you do to me.”

I reached out and ran my hand down the impressive length of his cock imprisoned behind his pants. It jerked and thickened even more as I stroked up and down, his breath hissing.

He unzipped his gray pants, freeing the python inside. Though I’d never enjoyed sucking dick, my mouth suddenly watered at the idea.

He groaned, no doubt reading my expression. “Now take me in your mouth.”

Chapter Fourteen


I was primed and ready to thrust my length inside my little Tilly, but not before I had a trial run of her luscious lips wrapped around my dick. That fury and passion sparked in her gaze only made me want it more.

You’d want to hope she doesn’t take a bite out of it.
