Page 25 of Enforced

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Chapter Fifteen


I was alone. Even if I hadn’t heard the jeep’s engine start on the floor below with a roar, from the moment I stepped out of the shower to overwhelming silence and a feeling of complete emptiness inside the house, I knew Valentino had gone.

But then his presence was tangible. When he was near it was as if everything else was sucked away and he became the sole, commanding focus.

I wrapped the towel around my torso while I vibrated with anger. How dare he leave me again! I was his prisoner and I couldn’t even stick my head out the window to get some fresh air!

I tramped into the bedroom and dressed into silky lavender pajama shorts with a short-sleeved top in lavender and white. I brushed out my wet hair with savage strokes. I wasn’t silly enough to think Valentino would tell me where he was going or what he was doing, but the least he could have done was inform me he was actually leaving!

I marched back into the kitchen and grabbed another champagne bottle. Uncorking it, I lifted it to my lips and drank straight from the bottle. I was somewhere between drunk and tipsy by the time I plonked the nearly empty bottle onto the countertop, then staggered toward the glass, balcony doors.

If I squinted I could see the lights of yet another fishing boat outside, the darkness accentuating the red glow. I gasped. Had they seen me naked while Valentino had been thrusting into me from behind?

Shame was overtaken by unrestrained lust pouring through me. I was becoming emboldened by Valentino’s desire for me, made brazen by the itch only he could scratch.

I swayed and grabbed hold of the door handle for support. When the glass door clicked and moved slightly, I was too stunned for a moment to move. But my energy came in a rush as I pushed the door along its tracks and stepped outside onto the balcony, where freedom beckoned.

Excitement surged as I switched on the exterior light, waving my arms and shouting to the boat that seemed closer than ever. Shit. Even if they saw and heard me they’d be unlikely to come and investigate.

I had to get to them.

Adrenaline coursing through me, I took the exterior balcony stairs two-at-a-time, filled with recklessness now thanks to the champagne I’d imbibed. My whole body shook as I ran toward the sea and the fishing boat anchored there. Holy shit! I was actually going to make it! I was going to be free!

I was breathless by the time my feet hit the cold salt water. But surely I imagined my name that filled my ears?


I twisted around to see Valentino on the balcony, backlit by the light I’d left on. “Shit.” I turned away and ran further into the surf. This was my last chance. He’d kill me if he caught me, and even if he didn’t now he would eventually.

I was up to my hips in water when I realized the surf was already sucking me out thanks to a powerful undercurrent. I frowned. I risked getting pulled out past the fishing boat, with everyone on board clueless to my plight.

Sucking in a deep breath, I dove under the next wave, salt water stinging my eyes. My pulse thundered in my ears. Didn’t sharks come into shore to feed at night? Huh. Better those predators than the one who kept me as his prisoner.

I resurfaced, dog paddling as I searched for the fishing boat’s lights. I blinked to clear my vision, the lights ahead. With a hysterical laugh, I swam hard in the boat’s direction, not stopping for a good few minutes until I guessed I was close.

It was only when I stopped swimming and looked up again that I realized the undercurrent had swept me right past the boat by at least twenty meters. I waved my arms. “Help!” I yelled, coughing and spluttering as I sank underwater before resurfacing.

I shook my head, disorientated now and assailed by dizziness. This wasn’t going to plan at all. I should never have gone into the water after drinking. Already I was weakening as I fought against the current taking me even further out to sea.

I blinked saltwater out of my eyes. I had to find the shore, then swim parallel to get me out of the rip that even now was taking me for a ride I didn’t want to go on. But there were very few lights to see thanks to Valentino owning much of the shoreline in sight.

Finding his exterior house light, I turned and began swimming parallel, my strokes feeble now and my breathing choppy. I was exhausted and had yet to swim back to shore.

It was only when I heard the fishing boat’s engine come on that relief coursed through me. They’d heard me and were coming to pull me onboard.

I dogpaddled, doing everything possible to save my depleting energy, only to sob as I watched the light on the fishing vessel begin moving away from me.

No! No, no, no!

“Hey! I’m over here!” I screamed.

When the light quickly moved away I knew I was done. Exhaustion was overcoming me. I coughed. Surrendering to the water wouldn’t be so bad. At least I wouldn’t suffer. And at least I’d die on my terms, not someone else’s.

I bobbed on the water for perhaps another minute before I gave in and stopped swimming, then slowly went under. A dreamy, odd sense of calm moved over me as I descended, my life flashing in front of my eyes.

Would my family miss me? What did they even look like now? I hadn’t seen my mom and dad, and my sisters since Sean had taken me away from them. Bubbles floated from my mouth. Would Valentino miss me? At least my death wouldn’t be on his conscience now, if he had one.
