Page 17 of Enforced

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Chapter Ten


Shock for a moment held me in its grip, disabling my ability to register her words. What shocked me even more was the overwhelming yearning that my seed really was germinating inside her.

The notion lingered, catching hold of my heartstrings.

I sucked in a harsh breath as the fantasy disintegrated, anger taking its place. I couldn’t be a dad, I was dangerous, a killer, and totally unfit for the role. I’d been satisfied as an enforcer, got off on the fear of those who knew me better…knew what I was capable of.

I was a killing machine.

I couldn’t allow my feelings for Chantilly to grow and make me soft. Becoming soft in my business would see me dead.

Keeping her alive threatened to crumble the world I’d built around me.

I disconnected from her even as I narrowed my eyes, trying not to think about her gorgeous, sex-tousled hair that was now spread out on the pillow like I’d imagined. Then there were her dark, slumberous eyes and her full, moist lips, her rosy cheeks thanks to her orgasms.

I cleared my thick throat, allowing anger to blot out the ecstasy I’d shared with her. “You didn’t think to tell me you weren’t on contraception?” I growled.

She blinked, her warmth dissipating. “I am on birth control. I just don’t want to catch any nasty surprises from you.”

I understood her logic even as something dark and menacing came over me. That I’d been so carried away in the moment I hadn’t even considered a condom—when even dick-face William had intended to use one—was on me. It didn’t make her low opinion of me any easier to take, especially when I’d actually contemplated the insane idea of fatherhood. “You think because I’m an enforcer I fuck women indiscriminately, and then carry their diseases to pass onto my next lover?”

She stiffened, her eyes going wide at my vehement tone. “I don’t know, it’s not like I really know you.”

I fisted my hand and slid my knuckles along her wet slit. “I’d say you know me very well.”

She gasped, her pupils dilating. “Just because we fucked, it doesn’t make us close.”

I pushed a finger inside and probed deep. “How much closer can we get?”

Her lashes fluttered and she moaned. Then she appeared to gather herself and pressed a hand to her heart. “We’re not close here.”

Why did that fucking hurt right in the place she showcased with her hand? My heart literally burned like she’d struck it hard. I withdrew my finger and stuck it in my mouth, enjoying her taste along with her wide-eyed stare. “Being in love—or not—doesn’t mean we can’t share a bond.”

“We shared body fluids, nothing else.” She exhaled heavily. “Do you always share a bond with the women you intend to kill?”

Fuck. Was she trying to antagonize me? I wouldn’t be made to feel guilty over doing my job, even if it was very quickly losing its appeal. Either way, she’d soon be my victim. Nothing and no one would stop that from happening. I was considered the best in the business. My reputation meant everything to me, as did the trust of my Agostino boss.

She drew back from me. “I need some air,” she admitted in a small voice. “Somewhere to take my mind off…everything.”

Like her imminent death.

I didn’t like the shiver of revulsion threatening to derail me. I pushed it back right along with my budding protective instinct and every other unwanted emotion building inside of me. “Then we’ll take a walk along the beach.”

She climbed off the bed and drew the bathrobe tightly around her before tying it into place with the belt. She turned back to face me. “And what do you suggest I wear?” she asked. “I’m guessing my choices are this bathrobe or my birthday suit.”

“Your birthday suit would be my choice.”

“I bet it would,” she gritted. “But I wanted fresh air, not your tongue down my throat and your cock inside me while sand works its way into my every nook and cranny.”

My dick jerked at the visual she’d created in my mind. At her flushed face I realized she wasn’t immune to the pictures in her head, either. “You know, you can have your fresh air along with my tongue down your throat and my cock inside you,” I said, clasping my dick and sliding my hand up and down.

Her eyes narrowed, though she couldn’t quite hide her interest. “No, thank you.”

I shrugged, releasing my dick. I’d save it for later. It wasn’t as though she was going anywhere. There was plenty of time to enjoy her body.

“We’ll see,” I said with a smirk. I climbed out of bed, aware of her eyes following me, feasting on my nakedness. My smirk widened. It was nice to know she appreciated my body thanks to my workouts and a lifestyle that allowed very few indulgences other than sex and the occasional nose candy.
