Page 18 of Enforced

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My don was just as stringent now too thanks to his marriage and a need to stay on heightened alert thanks to his many enemies. Ethan no longer screwed whores or kept mistresses, he only had eyes for Sabrina. And unlike his brothers, he now rarely partook of coke or other substances.

I’d never understood my don’s obsession with his wife, but I was beginning to have an inkling of an idea.

More than an inkling and you know it!

My body tensed as the truth dawned. The sooner I got Chantilly out of my life the better off I’d be. My voice was a snarl when I said, “I’ll find you something to wear.

Chapter Eleven


As I walked along the beach with a breeze tugging at my high ponytail and the fabric of the gray T-shirt Valentino had given me, I’d never been gladder of my short stature or of his height. It meant the hem of his T-shirt fell just shy of my knees and I didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing my butt.

It hadn’t worried you yesterday when you’d deliberately worn your white mini-skirt.

I grimaced. It was amazing how quickly things had changed from the moment I realized Valentino was in charge. He was too dominant and assertive in his ways. Not even great sex and stimulating banter would place him under my thumb.

Either way, it didn’t matter. There was no one around, only an endless ocean and a long stretch of beach that stopped at some boulders and a rugged cliff face ahead. Yellowed grasses had taken a foothold in the many cracks and holes in the vertical rocks, the tips of the grass waving in the wind.

“Believe it or not, civilization is just around that corner,” he said, his fingers entwined with mine and my hand lost in his huge grip.

“I’m not sure I do believe it,” I muttered, sizing up the rocks ahead and wondering if I’d have the strength to climb them and get help.

He snorted as he followed my gaze. “You’d need decent climbing shoes, a harness and rope, not to mention a helmet and all the other safety gear before you’d even consider tackling a climb like that.”

I looked up at him, the sun picking out the little specks of gray in his hair and beard and making them glimmer. I blinked. How old was he anyway? He could be anywhere from his late thirties to forties. I was twenty-three in a few short months. He probably saw me as some naïve infant, but I’d lived through a lot in my short life. “Perhaps you’ll supply the gear for me?” I asked mock-sweetly.

“Or perhaps I’ll just keep you here with me.”

I wanted to scream my defiance at him, slap him over and over until he listened, but I knew it’d be pointless. It’d be like a butterfly attacking a bear. That longing also tore through me was just an added scrape to my nerves. But then he did fill out his black T-shirt and gray pants to perfection.

He could have just about any woman he wanted. He certainly didn’t need me. And wasn’t that the sticking point? I had to make him need me so he didn’t kill me, yet it was instinctive for me to want to fight against him every step of the way.

I didn’t see much of that happening when you were underneath him.

I narrowed my eyes. “I guess I don’t have any say in the matter.”

His hand tightened around mine. “No, you don’t. While you’re with me, you’re safe from Sean.”

“Until you kill me?” I said bitterly.

His jaw tightened, just as his cellphone beeped. He frowned as he plucked it from the pocket of his pants then read whatever text had been sent to him. I glared. No doubt it was his next job…his next victim. That it was just as likely to be for him to update his don about the last job and victim—me—made me shiver and mentally withdraw.

I didn’t want to know.

I looked away from him and out to sea, my stare landing on yet another fishing boat. If only it was closer to shore I’d take a chance and run toward it while Valentino was preoccupied.

I slumped a little. He’d still catch me in a couple of strides. And my punishment would no doubt be severe.

I turned back to him as he stuck his cell back into his pocket and focused on me, his mood dark and his voice terse. “Looks like I’ll have to cut our walk short.”

No apology, no explanation?

“Duty calls?” I asked scathingly.

His frown deepened. “Yes, it does.” He pivoted around and, with his hand still clasping mine, I had no choice but to turn and follow him, my feet sinking into the sand back along our long trail of footprints that went the opposite direction.

The fresh air had been enjoyable while it’d lasted.
