Page 16 of Enforced

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Damn. He was drugging me with his kisses, turning me into an addict who craved even more. As though reading my mind, he trailed his other hand inside my gaping bathrobe and across the tips of my breasts, making my nipples harden into points. When he pinched one, I gasped even as he pulled away from my mouth and ducked low to kiss and suck away the sting.

I was shuddering somewhere between pleasure and pain when he turned to my other breast and sucked the tip before gently nipping. The sharp burning tingle soon after rippled into something more, an erotic indulgence I couldn’t resist.

He hummed approval before he pressed kisses up my collarbone, focusing on the sweet spot where my neck connected to my shoulder. The moment he sucked the sensitive flesh, no doubt leaving a bruise, I was quivering, and so damp between my thighs I wondered if I’d left a wet spot on his sheets.

I was a willing victim, happy to participate in whatever he had planned for me.

He reached between my thighs and touched my sex, another hum of approval close to my ear almost sending me undone.

“You’re definitely ready for me,” he said hoarsely.

I writhed under his skilled touch. How could a man conditioned to such violence show so much pleasure? He was making me crazy with need even as my mind shouted in the background to remember what he planned to do to me.

But if I had to die, it was better to do so at his hands rather than Sean’s.

At least Valentino made me feel things, even if it was a deep, dark, desperate wantonness that no sane woman should experience.

Then he was kissing his way to my stomach, his tongue sticking into the indent of my navel. I jerked at the fizzy sensation—like the tips of butterfly wings grazing my skin—before he continued down to the petals of my sex. He parted them, his eyes glittering hungrily at the pinkness inside. “Exquisite.”

He bent and licked my plump clit and I couldn’t stop a moan erupting from my mouth, couldn’t stop my hips from jolting closer to his mouth, giving him better access.

“That’s it, my sweet Tilly,” he said thickly, his beard scraping and prickling my sensitized flesh. “Let me send you to the stars.”

I nodded jerkily, then gasped as his mouth covered my inner flesh. When he sucked hard, his tongue lashing my bud, my breath shuddered out as my nerve endings pulsed in a shockwave of utter pleasure as I immediately detonated.

He lifted his head and licked his wet lips. “So passionate,” he mused, his gaze attentive as he seemingly read my every thought, my every fantasy. He climbed back up my body, his outspread hands going either side of my head while his forearms held his weight. “Are you ready for me now, Tilly?”

My heart skipped a beat, my mouth drying to dust. “Do you seriously believe I’ll let you inside of me?’

His eyes burned down into mine. “Do you seriously believe you won’t?”

I wanted to scream denial, wanted to scratch at his eyes and knee him in the groin. But I did none of those things. If he was sent to kill me I wouldn’t speed up that process. And though it shamed me, I did want him inside me, filling me to the limits before making me come.

That I’d planned to seduce him and change his mind about killing me seemed so juvenile now. He was in charge, not me. I was a novice while he was shamelessly skilled and experienced.

He smirked a little as he placed all his weight on one arm and one-handed his cock before placing the tip at my entrance. I gulped. But he didn’t give me time to protest or reevaluate. His eyes holding mine, he plunged deep inside me, his huge cock forcing a strangled breath from my throat.

Holy shit! I’d never been filled to the limit like this before. I’d never experienced such pain!

He stilled, though his locked jaw and thinned lips revealed his willpower was balanced on a thin edge. “Relax,” he said hoarsely. “It’ll get better.”

“It’s easy for you to—“

He cut my words off with his mouth commandeering mine, stealing away my breath and pushing his own into my lungs. His lips were soft like petals, yet unyielding like concrete as he deepened the kiss and made me forget about anything but the pleasure tugging inside me, my nerve endings tingling.

My breath rattled against his mouth as he pulled his hips back and dragged his cock halfway out of me, my muscles resisting the whole way. When he thrust back inside me, I was tighter than a bowstring, my muscles locking around him. How could he possibly imagine I enjoyed this?

Then he reached between my legs and pressed on my clit. I moaned at the sparkles of electricity he generated, ones that increased as he massaged round and round. I no longer endured his invasion; I was becoming pliant, welcoming his touch along with the incredible length and breadth of his cock inside me.

His strokes became faster, harder, a rhythm that I matched as I lost all fear, my body embracing his dominance, his power. I was at one with him, dancing with him in mutual accord as though our moves were choreographed.

The friction generated intense heat, an inner spark that finally exploded into an inferno that blew me up into the heavens while I shrieked out his name. I stayed suspended for long seconds before I floated back down to Earth in a bubble of bliss that left me a little disorientated.

I was barely even aware of my inner muscles clamping and then releasing around him, but it was enough for his seed to explode from him as he threw his head back and howled release like an alpha calling out to the moon as he claimed his mate.

Only when he collapsed on top of me, his cock still embedded deep inside of me as he rolled me with him to lie on our sides facing one another, our skin sliding then sticking with sweat, did I speak.

“We didn’t use protection.”
