Page 15 of Enforced

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“I’m here to stop you hurting my mom.”

He laughed, his beer belly jiggling behind his whisky-stained T-shirt. “What you gonna do to stop me, eh?” He stepped closer to me. “Maybe I’ll shoot you instead?” He laughed, his voice deranged. “You choose boy, your life or hers?” At my silence, his voice lowered, menacing. “Choose.”

I hung my head. I’d always protect my mom. “Mine,” I said softly.


I looked up as my stepdad crumpled to the floor, then stayed motionless, his shotgun sliding away from him. My mother stood above him with the discarded whiskey bottle in her hand. It’d been the perfect weapon to hit him across the head.

I ran to her and we clung to each other even as she repeated over and over, “I’m okay. I’m okay.” When she finally found the strength to step back and look at me, she asked, “Are you all right?”

I nodded, though I barely moved a muscle while coming out of fight mode, my legs shaky and my pulse thready. I looked down at my stepdad, hate oozing from my pores. “What about him?”

I couldn’t say his name, stepdad was the best he’d ever get from me.

My mom crouched beside him and checked for his pulse. “He’s alive.” Her face whitened. “He’s going to kill us.”

I shook my head. “No, he’s not.” I retrieved the shotgun, then aimed at his head.

My mother sucked in a heavy breath. “Valentino, what are you doing?”

I glanced up at her. “I’m protecting you, Mom.”

It wasn’t until I pulled the trigger that something broke inside of me—my innocence? Either way, I was never going to get it back. My life had changed from this point on and I’d never be the same again.

I’d never again allow anyone to hurt someone I loved.

Ignoring my mom’s blubbering sobs, I said, “We’ll have to get rid of the body and clean up. No one will suspect a thing. We’ll tell anyone who cares that he walked out on us and he never came back.”

She sniffled but nodded. “You’ve always been too bright for your age, mature beyond your years.” She pushed back her hair. “I’ll do whatever you say.” She swiped her eyes and looked at me with a tremulous smile. “I think it’s fair to say you’re no longer my little boy. You’ve just become the man of the house.”

Chapter Nine


I woke with Valentino’s arms wrapped around me, securing me to him more effectively than a pair of cuffs. His arousal prodding into the small of my back made me desperate for relief. It would be so easy to align my core against his cock, then squirm against his hardness to relieve the itch that was overdue for a good scratch.

Yeah, making out with your future killer is always a good idea.

I carefully twisted around, blinking against the dawn light filtering through the blinds to get an eyeful of his spectacular naked body. His tatts enhanced his muscled torso and arms, a gold chain that glinted around his neck showcasing a small gold key.

What did it unlock? Was it something I could use to help me escape?

My mind was still working a mile a minute as my stare skated back to the ink on his skin. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the intricate patterns that twisted and turned, then ended and restarted farther along, which featured little symbols along the way including a lock, a seashell, a candle and a gun.

It was a story I wanted to read, a part of him that made me hungry for more. I wanted to know everything about him!

“Keep staring at me like that and I might just take advantage.”

His rumbled voice made me jerk my head back up, my eyes meeting his as heat flooded my face. “I thought you were asleep.”

“It doesn’t take much to wake me up. I’m a light sleeper.”

“I’ll be careful next time not to wake you,” I said primly.

“I can assure you,” he said in a deep voice, one that reminded me of the darkest colored whiskey, or of a powerful lion about to mate with his lioness. That they copulated up to one hundred times made me shiver even as liquid heat pooled between my thighs. He clasped my chin and drew my chin up. “You’ll soon prefer me awake.”

He lowered his head and kissed me, slowly at first, then deeper as I relaxed against him and sighed into his mouth.
