Page 11 of Enforced

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He shut the door with a decisive click, then closed the space between us with a single step. “Do I need to tell you what happens when you lie to me?”

I shook my head, my heart rate surging along with a flush of heat to my entire body. “I’d rather you didn’t.”

He grasped my wrist and jerked me toward him. “You won’t be leaving here, Tilly, not ever.”

My whole body shuddered. When I did leave I’d probably be in box. I lifted my chin. “So you can kill like life isn’t sacred, but I can’t lie?”

His nostrils flared. “I guess it’s a case of do what I say not what I do.”

“How…beneficial, for you,” I said, my voice scathing. That he hadn’t denied he was a killer told me everything I wanted to know. I’d escaped one psycho to fall into the clutches of another.

He smirked, then nodded toward the door. “Go have that shower before I forgo dinner and wash myself—and you—instead.”

I ignored the clench deep inside my core to instead pout and ask, “You’d let your captive go hungry?”

He laughed, his dark eyes flashing with mirth. “I’d rather not,” he conceded. He looked me up and down. “I wouldn’t want you to lose your curves.”

“Of course you wouldn’t. You want me to look my best when you kill me.”

His mirth faded, his stare turning hard. “No more talk of death.”

I laughed back at him. “Why is that? Don’t tell me you’re growing a conscience?”

“This home is my sanctuary. Death doesn’t get a mention here.”

I shook my head, though a part of me was relieved to know there was no dark past living inside these walls. “I wouldn’t want to darken your doorstep with the truth.” I stepped toward the door. “I’d best go have that shower.”

He was still standing looking after me as I left his office.

Chapter Six


I cooked on automaton, flipping the two steaks on the grill while the thick-cut fries bubbled away in oil. How had Chantilly gotten under my skin so fast? She was making me second guess everything!

I ripped the lettuce leaves into pieces and threw them into a glass bowl, along with cherry tomatoes I’d cut in half, sliced cucumber and red onions. Was she right in suggesting that lying took priority over killing?

I cubed some cheese and added it to the salad, then made a simple olive oil, mustard, honey and lime dressing. I shook the glass jar a little too vigorously. She was doing my damn head in and I hadn’t even taken her to my bed yet!

Movement caught the corner of my eye and I looked up as the woman of my thoughts walked into the kitchen. My bathrobe swamped her, the white fabric a stark contrast to her dark hair that fell down her back almost to her waist.

I swallowed hard, my dick jerking convulsively. What I’d do right now to have that same dark hair spread out on my pillow while I thrust deep inside her.

“Anything I can do to help?” she asked.

I nodded, and handed her the bowl of salad and dressing. “That can go on the table, along with some cutlery.”

She did as I asked while I took off the steaks and seasoned them, then let them rest as I made peppercorn gravy, then removed the fries from the hot oil and put them onto paper towel. Sharing them out on two separate plates, along with the steaks and gravy, I placed them on the table, then pulled out a seat for Chantilly.

She eyed me strangely, then said, “Thank you,” before she took the proffered seat.

I frowned. Hadn’t Sean treated her like a lady? Didn’t he know how to at least act like a gentleman? I took a seat opposite her and asked, “Salad?”

She nodded. “Please.”

I placed a decent amount on both our plates before she drizzled some dressing onto her salad, then mine.

“Do you always eat dinner so late?” she asked.
