Page 12 of Enforced

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I automatically glanced outside the windows. It was pitch black with no lights in sight. It was as if we were alone in the world, living inside our own bubble where no one could interfere.

Not that I’d care if someone heard her scream out my name. I’d make her orgasm so hard she’d wonder why she’d been with anyone else.

I wouldn’t think about her being my victim sooner rather than later. I prided myself in my work and did whatever my don, Ethan, asked of me. That his request to kill a woman—an innocent one at that—was so out of character for him meant the mission was more important than ever.

The turf wars between the Agostinos and Costas had settled—at least it appeared that way from the outside looking in—with Sabrina and Ethan getting married, along with Isabella and Salvatore. Now the O’Malleys were quickly becoming a burr in our sides, with their shipments of inferior drugs and firearms competing with our own.

Ethan no doubt wanted to send a very strong, clear message that the Irish mobsters wouldn’t be tolerated.

“I eat when I’m hungry,” I said finally.

A pity my hunger wouldn’t be appeased by food.

I stared at the woman opposite me, my chest tightening. She was beautiful. With her high cheekbones and inky black hair, her dark, intelligent eyes that sometimes glinted with gold and her smoking hot body I was beyond desperate to fuck.

She was any man’s wet dream.

She put her fork down, her eyes flashing. “Just like you kidnap women when you’re bored?”

My heartbeat accelerated. “Who said I was bored?” I smirked. “You’ve captivated me, Tilly, and I’m not sure how I feel about it.”

She clenched one hand until her knuckles whitened. No doubt she was ready to throw her fork at my face. “If you hadn’t been captivated, would you have left me alone?”

“If I hadn’t you’d now be dead.”

Her face drained of color, her voice low and intense. “So you were sent to kill me.”

I nodded, regret a short, sharp twinge inside of me. It was pointless to lie.

“By who?”

“It doesn’t matter,” I bit out. Nothing would matter when she was six feet under. That the mental image affected me on a deep level made my tension escalate.

Her face was bleached white now, her eyes dark. “If you must kill me, at least do me the honor of giving me a name. If its n-not Sean, then who else c-could possibly want to end me?”

I stuck a chunk of steak in my mouth and chewed slowly. The delicious, tender meat might as well have been cardboard. I swallowed. “Not Sean,” I conceded. “Another don.”

Her shoulders drooped, and it took everything I had not to pull her into my arms and comfort her. She dragged in an unsteady breath. “My death is meant to hurt Sean, isn’t it?”

She really did know how the mobsters’ minds worked. Though the truth made me a little uncomfortable, I couldn’t deny it. “Yes.”

Her hands shook as she dabbed at her mouth. “So you’re the enforcer for another don?”

“When I’m needed.”

She closed her eyes. “Let me guess…you’re the Agostinos enforcer.”

I waited until her eyes reopened, then held her stare as I said, “I guess you’ve heard all about me.”

“I have,” she said softly. “You’re one of the best in the business, the most feared. Little wonder you warned me I was better off not knowing.”

“That’s quite a reputation to uphold. I hope I can live up to all those…expectations.”

She pushed back her chair, her dinner barely touched. “If you’ll excuse me, I need some air.”

Chapter Seven

