Page 96 of The Bones of Love

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I took the hint.

I drew my hips back, my eyes fluttering closed. Slowly, achingly, I fucked her slit as she pushed my cock against her clit, greedy for more like she hadn’t just come three times.

She gasped. Her inhale flared out her ribs, pushing her tits up. I wanted her nipple on my tongue, but I needed to take this slowly. I needed to come deep inside her, and I needed control to do it.

It’d been so long since my dick had felt the warmth of a woman. I’d forgotten how otherworldly it was.

I pulled back again. This time, Decca moved her hand. She gripped my cock, stroking it once, twice before guiding the head through her folds, moistening it with her juice, and lining it up with her opening.

Entering her would damn well kill me.

I rolled onto my back. She let out a shocked laugh as I brought her with me, wrapping her thighs around my waist so she was straddling me. She’d have better control of how much she could take if she was on top.

“Take it, Crow. Slowly. So we can see.”

Her lips parted wide as she let out a hot breath and her eyes closed. Then she raised herself onto her knees and positioned my cock at the right place between her legs.

Slowly, she sank down, letting out a low wail. My hands jerked to her hips, holding her in place, impaled on just the tip of my cock. It was too much. My chest was about to burst. Pressure built behind my eyes, and I swallowed down a lump in my throat.

“Decca,” I said, not knowing why. Not knowing what to say after. Just needing her name on my lips. “Dec.” She lowered herself down another inch, blowing out a long breath as she adjusted to my girth.

“You’re so beautiful. Look, Decca.Watch yourself.”

Her looking down at her vagina swallowing my cock, inch by fucking inch, a sexy smile on her entranced face, was enough that I needed to grip her hips again to keep her sinking any lower.

“Don’t fucking move, or it’ll be too much. I won’t be able to hold back.”

“I don’t want you to.”

“Is that how you like to take it? You want my cock pounding into you, fucking you into the bed? Or do you like the slow glide, the subtle pressure of me filling you, moving so slowly you can’t take it?” She whimpered, her brows drawing together and mouth parting in a look of agony. I watched the rise and fall of her quick breaths as I moved slowly, shallowly inside her. “Touch yourself, Crow.”


“Circle your clit. Whatever it takes. I want to watch your beautiful fingers play with your pussy as you take me.”

“You do like a show, don’t you?”

“Only when it’s you.”

She licked her lips in concentration. It was clear she felt uncomfortable, but we were past the stage of discomfort. I’d seen her pawing and writhing, spasming and shaking from need and orgasm already. What was this shyness now?

“Look at me. Or look at us,” I told her.

Her eyes locked on mine as she parted her labia, holding herself open with two fingers while she circled her clit sideways with the pad of her middle finger.

The sun had gone down and in the light of the single lamp in the room, her torso was as smooth and lithe as a magnolia petal. Her dark nipples stood out like sentries. Her pink lips formed into an O.

She did give a good show. “Lower, Dec. I can feel you stretching around me. Take more.”

“Uhn,” came an unintelligible sound from her throat as she sank lower. I replaced her hand with my thumb, continuing her pattern. Her vagina looked stunning wrapped around my dick. She dropped lower and I let out a hiss. Ohh, God, she was so warm. So tight. My cock glistened as it slid out of her slick cunt.

The feel of her was indescribable. Torturous. Bliss. Too much. Not enough.

Never enough.

When I was nearly halfway in, her vagina was somehow squeezing the top of my head. It had been a very long time since I’d been inside a woman, but I didn’t remember it driving me out of my mind like Decca was doing to me now. I was going to come too fast like this.

“More?” she asked, sweetly. Oh God, did she even know what that voice did to me?
