Page 95 of The Bones of Love

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“Listen to me.” I looked into her sex-crazed eyes that were so dark from dilated pupils. It fed more blood to my already painful cock. I was so hard I was sure the arteries and veins were about to burst. I’d have bruises after this. “Never feel self-conscious for your honesty. Not with me. I want your rawness. Your realness. Give me everything, even if it’s messy or you think I won’t understand. I may not, but I’ll never stop striving to lift you up. You’remy wife. I may not have shown you how much that means to me before, but I’m going to start proving it to you now.”

Tears had formed in those wild eyes, spilling out when our mouths met again. I kissed away the salty drops on her cheeks. They were mine. Tears shed for my mistake, my insecurities, the things I hadn’t been able to let myself feel until now.

She sniffed and shook her head while her fingers nimbly worked on the buttons of my shirt. We didn’t say anything more as she undressed me, though I let her look at me just as I had looked at her.

“Gus, I’m aching for you.”

“Shh, baby. Not yet. It’s been so long, I’m going to come too soon. I need to take care of you first.”

She groaned. “You already have.”

“Oh, Crow. That first time was nowhere near enough. I need to see how many more you can give me.”

I splayed her out on the bed, opening her legs so I could see her anatomy. I loved her hairy pussy. It was exactly what I would have expected from her. Her prominent lips were made to be sucked.

I stroked her, feeling all the textures of her slick cunt. I watched her bite her lips when I slipped across her clit. I almost couldn’t take her throaty moans when I slowly pushed into her vagina with one finger. My knees all but crumpled.

“Hands and knees.” I told her. She scrambled to comply. I loved her enthusiasm.

She looked over her shoulder, biting her lip. I trailed my fingers over the ridges of her spine. From this angle, her vertebrae stuck out. I leaned over her body to kiss each bone. When I got to her lower back, I kissed my way down her ass cheeks, kneading them in my hands, thanking God this was mine to kiss.

Balancing on the balls of my feet, I lowered myself to bury my face once more in her pussy. I ran my nose through her folds as I listened to her heavy breaths. I sucked her clit. I rimmed her tight asshole. I licked and licked every inch of her until she was rocking back against me, gasping and moaning. I needed her body melting and boneless before I could take her. My cock was thick. As cute as it was that she thought this would be easy, we needed to take our time.

I flipped her over again, and she let out a squeak. I slid my finger inside her vagina. Slick, so slick. But tight. “Gus,” she called out. She was somewhere far away. I doubt if she knew what she sounded like. “Not yet, baby. You’re not ready.”

“I am.”

I chuckled and added another finger while lazily sucking her clit. She shuddered and whipped her head to the quilt, biting down on the timeworn fabric. Her pussy milking my hand, bringing tears of anticipatory joy to my eyes. This woman had turned me into a blubbering fool.

She came even more quickly that time. Fuck, her body was so responsive.

A year ago, I would have given anything to bring Decca to orgasm. Just one time. Now that it was happening, I wanted our first time to be endless. Time was nothing in this room. I could have been licking her and fucking her with my hand for hours or it could have been minutes, I didn’t know. I just knew it transcended... everything.

What would she feel like on my cock?

I needed to feel it. I needed her body wrung out from pleasure. When I finally slid inside her, she’d be so wet and warm and gaspingly full. Her deep moans wrapping me in their music while I stroked her from within until she came again. With me.

Her panting increased. “I can’t take anymore. It’s too much.”

“You will, though.” I leaned over her, still filling her with my fingers, but stilling their frenzy. “One more time. Give me one more.” I said it between little kisses placed on her body, down her belly, the top of her thigh. Back up again. Pulling her nipple into my mouth, rolling it on my tongue and sucking.

Her pussy was so wet, her fluid dripped off my hand onto the quilt, leaving a dark spot on the flowers.

Her fists gripped the quilt as her head jerked back on a silent scream. Her vagina clenched around my fingers as I stroked her through her orgasm, slowly, feeling the flutters of her pleasure.

“That’s it, Crow. That was so perfect.”

Her legs shook. Her body was wracked with tearless sobs as she rode her high. I loved watching her abandon herself to lust.

I leaned over her, brushing strands of hair back from her face. I traced the sheen of sweat between her breasts with my finger. “You are perfect, baby. Thank you.” I kissed her sternum. “Thank you.”Thank you, God, for creating this woman.

“Kiss me.” She wrapped both hands around my neck and tugged me up so she could reach my lips. Her lips were eager. An onslaught of torturous want. “I need you, Gus. Inside me.”

Gently, I flattened my chest to hers. Her skin was warm against mine, her breaths still labored, bringing us closer together on every pant.

Her thighs widened and my cock dipped lower, hitting her clit. Her eyes rolled back, and she hissed. “Still a thirsty little crow after all that?” I laughed.

Decca pressed her lips together in a determined line. Her eyes dark with power. Her hand reached between us, flattening her palm between my cock and my belly, pressing it down against her pussy.
